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发布时间:2018-04-10 01:24

  本文选题:柔性用工 切入点:劳动密集型工厂 出处:《杭州电子科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, in manufacturing factories along the southeast coast of China, there have been problems of recruitment difficulties and labor shortages, especially in labor-intensive factories, where orders are increasing in many labor-intensive factories.But unable to find enough workers to work for them, they are forced to cut production or even stop production, and the shortage of workers is growing with the development of the economy.As a flexible employment arrangement, flexible employment is to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of enterprises by improving the flexibility of work. At present, it has made great progress in western countries, and has accumulated a lot of empirical research data.However, at present, most studies at home and abroad only discuss the relationship between the two from the perspective of high-tech enterprises, and few empirical studies explain the intrinsic mechanism of this relationship from the point of view of labor-intensive factories.And for the specific impact of flexible employment on the performance of labor-intensive factories, scholars' views in these studies are far from unanimous, the reason may be that there is a situational dependence or impact path on the impact of flexible employment on factory performance.To be explored.Based on the existing research, this paper measures the flexible employment of labor-intensive factories from the perspective of human resources, uses the KPI theory to measure the performance of labor-intensive factories, and for the first time adds the level of labor input as an intermediary variable.The relationship between flexible employment and factory performance in labor-intensive factories is studied in different production modes, and the mechanism of the relationship between them is explored.This paper adopts the method of empirical analysis, taking the research object of labor-intensive factories in Yangtze River Delta region, using AMOS7.0 to set up the structural equation model, using bootstrap method to carry out the intermediary effect test, and using SPSS19.0 software.By using the method of grouping regression to test the effect of adjustment, the conclusion is as follows: (1) quantity flexibility has a significant negative effect on labor force input level, and factory performance has a significant negative effect.Functional flexibility has a significant positive impact on labor input, and a significant positive impact on factory performance.Labor input has a significant positive effect on factory performance. (2) Labor input has a partial intermediary role in quantitative flexibility and factory performance.The labor force input also has the partial intermediary function in the function flexibility and the factory performance.) the production pattern has the significant adjustment function to the quantity flexibility and the factory performance relations, under the order production type production than the inventory production, the labor force input also has the partial intermediary function in the function flexibility and the factory performance.Quantitative flexibility has a more negative impact on factory performance. (4) quantitative flexibility has a negative impact on the improvement of product quality in labor-intensive factories.


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