本文选题:并购绩效 + 并购动因 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:M & A has become a hot topic for entrepreneurs. M & A can promote the optimal allocation of resources, enhance the efficiency of cooperation between enterprises, promote the synergetic effect of enterprises, and improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. With the development of economic diversification, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce. Enterprises should constantly improve their core competitiveness and business performance in order to be invincible. Of course, there are many ways for enterprises to realize the strategic blueprint of growth, among which M & A has become one of the most important ways in the market environment. It is clear from the data in recent years that the number of M & A transactions is rising both at home and abroad. M & A can not be said to be the best choice for the development and growth of enterprises, but it can help enterprises to achieve their goals quickly, and it also has a great impact on the development of the whole industry and economic market. Admittedly, the number of M & A transactions is huge, but not every M & A transaction is a success. The sharp increase in the number of M & A transactions, on the contrary, the fierce competition in the market. So, the success rate of M & A will not be too high can be imagined. Some studies show that M & A is very risky, especially overseas M & A. Therefore, in order to study whether the development of M & A is consistent with the expected, whether to achieve economies of scale, M & A performance research emerged as the times require. M & A performance refers to a certain period after the completion of M & A, the development of enterprises in strategic development, financial situation and other aspects, to study whether the expected objectives after the merger and acquisition achieved, whether to make the development of enterprises towards the expected direction of development. In this paper, the basic theory of M & A and the method of performance evaluation are briefly summarized, and through the concrete analysis, the paper explains the process and main characteristics of the M & A of Star Entertainment, and the value of the target enterprise to Star Entertainment. Analysis of its M & A motivation, as well as M & A payment methods and so on. Starting from the effect of M & A transaction, this paper deeply analyzes the non-financial indicators and financial indicators of enterprises after M & A, and puts forward several different performance analysis methods. To study whether the overall performance of Star Entertainment after the acquisition of Tiantuo Technology has been improved. Finally, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the research methods of M & A performance, and puts forward some relevant solutions, including suggestions for M & A of related enterprises.
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