本文选题:投资者情绪 + 投资行为 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rise of behavioral finance, how asset price fluctuations affect the real economy has become a new research focus. Because the traditional financial theory based on the premise of "rational economic man" and "market efficiency" cannot explain the "financial anomalies" in the capital market, the two hypothetical premises of the traditional financial theory are questioned. Scholars have gradually relaxed the assumptions of traditional financial theory and further studied the impact of stock price fluctuations caused by investor sentiment on the investment behavior of listed companies under the basic theoretical framework of investor irrationality and manager rationality. Based on the existing research, this paper further loosens the hypothetical conditions, brings investor irrationality and manager irrationality into the same framework, and analyzes how investor sentiment affects the investment behavior of listed companies from the perspective of behavioral finance. First of all, through the establishment of theoretical model, this paper analyzes the influence of investor sentiment on the investment behavior of listed companies from the two dimensions of investment scale and investment efficiency, and further analyzes the differences of the influence in the companies with different property rights. And use the data of our country capital market 2007-2015 to carry on the empirical test. Secondly, from the perspective of micro mechanism, this paper studies the transmission path of the above effects, puts forward and tests the confidence mechanism of managers on the basis of equity financing mechanism and rational pandering mechanism. And further studied the specific transmission mechanism of different property rights companies. Finally, according to the research contents and conclusions of this paper, the paper puts forward policy recommendations from investors, listed companies and regulators. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1: 1. Investor sentiment and listed company investment scale is positive correlation. The upsurge of investor sentiment will increase the investment scale of listed companies, and the depression of investor sentiment will reduce the investment size of listed companies by 0. 2%. Investor sentiment is positively correlated with overinvestment and negatively correlated with underinvestment. Rising investor sentiment will lead to overinvestment by listed companies, and low investor sentiment will lead to underinvestment of 0. 3% of listed companies. Compared with state-owned enterprises, the investment scale and efficiency of private enterprises are more influenced by investor sentiment. Investor sentiment can not only influence the investment behavior of listed companies through equity financing mechanism and rational pandering mechanism, but also affect the investment behavior of listed companies by manager confidence mechanism. The influence of investor sentiment on the investment behavior of state-owned enterprises is mainly through the equity financing mechanism, and the influence on private enterprises is not only through the manager's confidence mechanism, but also through the rational pandering mechanism.
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