本文选题:精益六西格玛 + 价值流程图(VSM) ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:精益六西格玛从最初的工具论演变成今天的思想论它作为一种先进的管理理念,正在被越来越多的企业所接受并推广。从传统的制造业到服务行业,今天全球各行各业都在受着精益六西格玛思想的影响,从生产制造到餐饮再到医院、银行等行业。不同的行业产品或服务是不同的,流程当然也不一样,但是运用推行精益六西格玛的实质是相同的,都是聚焦于流程分析,利用精益六西格玛的一些工具(价值流程图、7大浪费、时间价值分析、DMAIC)来重新审视整个流程,以便发现流程中存在的问题点,并提出具体的改善方案等。精益六西格玛理论就像一个新生儿,是从精益生产理论和六西格玛思想中孕育出来的,是两种思想结合的产物。精益生产最初是从丰田的生产模式发展过来的,根本目的是消除流程浪费,六西格玛是质量改善中常用的一种理念,它的主要思想是消除变异。看起来差异很大,但是却有着很多共同之处例如:两者都用于企业管理中,最初的推广一般都采用项目的方式来实现,都有一些专用或通用的工具。再者,从另一个角度来看,消除了流程中的变异流程中的浪费也就自然减少了,同样道理,减少了流程中的浪费,流程更加标准化,那么流程中的变异也随之缩减。所以精益生产和六西格玛不是相互独立的,是相互支持的。H公司是一家美资控股的全球化的跨国公司,公司历史悠久同时公司总部有着丰富的精益六西格玛的推广经验,并且H公司把精益六西格作为一种公司文化和21世纪公司参与国际竞争的助推器。深圳工厂位于福田保税区,主要产品是温度控制器,温度探测器和温度保险丝。公司成立后,DISC车间和温度探测器车间先后从美国和英国转移到深圳工厂,这也给推广精益六西格玛提供了一个很好的机会。本文作者在阅读了国内外关于Lean Production(精益生产)、6 Sigma(六西格玛),LP6 Sigma(精益六西格玛)大量文献后,结合自己多年的项目推广经验,利用图文并茂的形式介绍了LP(精益生产)、6 Sigma(六西格玛)理论的起源和发展历史。并通过实际案例介绍了如何使用精益六西格玛理论工具。在理论研究的基础上,结合精益六西格玛模型,在具体项目推广的过程中,每个阶段都有使用专业的精益六西格玛工具。例如在定义阶段有用SIPOC(Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer)\流程图(Process Map),在测量阶段有关键工序流程图(Key Process map)\价值流程图(Value Stream Map),在分析阶段用到鱼骨图(Fish bone chart)生产线平衡(Line Balance)\时间价值图(Time value map),在改善和控制阶段用到思路图(Thought-map)\标准化工作(Standard work)…本文采用理论和实践相结合的方法,在介绍了精益六西格玛理论后,并用实际案例来说明精益六西格玛是如何在企业中具体推行的,相关方法和技巧是什么。通过实际案例,我们也能对精益六西格玛工具的应用有着新的理解。具有很强的代表性和现实意义,整个过程具有实际操作性,对其它企业推广精益六西格玛有一定的借鉴意义。最后,由于作者能力和精益六西格玛知识的局限性以及企业行业的限制性,本文一定有一些不足之处。
[Abstract]:Lean Six Sigma has changed from the original tool theory into today's thought theory as an advanced management concept, which is being accepted and promoted by more and more enterprises. From traditional manufacturing to service industry, all walks of life today are affected by Lean Six Sigma, from production to catering to hospital, and silver Different industry products or services are different and processes are different, but the use of Lean Six Sigma is the same, focusing on process analysis, using Lean Six Sigma tools (value flow chart, 7 waste, time value analysis, DMAIC) to re examine the whole process in order to find out. The Lean Six Sigma theory, which was conceived from lean production theory and six sigma thought, is the product of the combination of two kinds of ideas. Lean production was originally developed from the production model of TOYOTA, and the fundamental purpose was to eliminate waste of process. Six Sigma is a common idea in quality improvement. Its main idea is to eliminate variation. It looks very different, but there is a lot in common, for example: both are used in enterprise management, and the initial promotion is generally implemented in the way of the project, and there are some special or universal tools. Look, the waste in the process of the process is reduced naturally. The same reason, reducing the waste in the process, making the process more standardized, then the variation in the process is reduced. So the lean production and six sigma are not independent of each other, and the mutual support.H is a global multinational of American capital holdings. The company has a long history and the company headquarters has a rich Lean Six Sigma promotion experience, and H company regards Lean Six Sigma as a kind of corporate culture and twenty-first Century company to participate in international competition. The Shenzhen factory is located in Futian Free Trade Zone, the main products are temperature controller, temperature detector and temperature fuse. After the establishment, the DISC workshop and the temperature detector workshop have been transferred from the United States and the United Kingdom to the Shenzhen plant. This also provides a good opportunity for the promotion of Lean Six Sigma. The author has read a lot of literature at home and abroad on Lean Production (lean production), 6 Sigma (six sigma), LP6 Sigma (Lean Six Sigma). For many years of project promotion experience, the origin and development history of LP (lean production), 6 Sigma (six sigma) theory are introduced, and how to use Lean Six Sigma theory tools is introduced through practical cases. On the basis of theoretical research, combined with Lean Six Sigma model, it is popularized in specific projects. In each phase, there are specialized Lean Six Sigma tools at each stage. For example, the SIPOC (Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer) flow diagram (Process Map) is useful at the definition stage, and the critical process flow chart (Key Process map) value flow chart (Value Stream Map) is used at the measurement stage, and the fish bone diagram (Fish bone) is used in the analysis stage. Line Balance time value map (Time value map), using Thought-map in the improvement and control stage (Standard work). This article uses the method of combining theory with practice, after introducing Lean Six Sigma theory, and using practical cases to illustrate how the Lean Six Sigma is implemented in the enterprise, and what are the related methods and techniques. Through practical cases, we can also have a new understanding of the application of Lean Six Sigma tools. The representativeness and practical significance, the whole process is practical and practical. It has certain reference significance for other enterprises to promote Lean Six Sigma. Finally, there are some inadequacies in this paper because of the limitations of the author's ability and Lean Six Sigma knowledge and the restrictive nature of the enterprise industry.
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