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发布时间:2018-08-22 09:10
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the information economy era, the technology increment of software products has gradually developed into modern service increment, and the industry development has increased the service consciousness, and because of its more perfect service structure, the software service industry is more dynamic. The position in the economic development also becomes more and more important. Under the condition of market economy, it is very important for the company to expand and increase the original capital and make the value of assets increase steadily in a long life cycle, which is very important for the survival and development of the company. Therefore, managers need to clearly influence the company value and promote the growth of the important factors and specific indicators, and investors value investment is a focus on the future development of the company, that is, the financial growth of the company. Based on this, this paper will focus on the financial growth of listed companies in software services industry, in order to further analyze the role of financial growth in improving the value of companies. This paper firstly reviews and reviews the domestic and foreign literature on financial growth and corporate value, then combs the industry characteristics of software service industry, and analyzes the theory of maximization of enterprise value. On the basis of the theory of firm growth, this paper analyzes the important effect of financial growth on corporate value. In this paper, the data of A share listed companies in software service industry from 2013 to 2015 are selected. Factor analysis shows that the evaluation model of the financial growth of software service companies. The regression analysis proves that the financial growth of the companies is related to the value of the company. The results show that: (1) the financial growth of the software service company has positive effect on the company value; (2) the correlation degree between the company size and the company value of the software service company is negative, and the correlation degree between the debt level and the company value is negative. The correlation between cash flow and company value is positive. (3) the relationship between financial growth and the change of company value is studied. The empirical results show that the correlation between the financial growth and the value of the software service companies is higher than that of the value growth companies. (4) the relationship between the financial indicators and the change of the company value is found. Whether the company's value rose or decreased at the end of the year compared with the same period last year, the growth rate of operating income was always positively correlated with Q when measured by Tobin Q; when measured by stock prices, The growth rate of intangible assets is the only indicator that passes the significance test.


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