[Abstract]:In this paper, the "absorptive power" factor is introduced within the framework of "M & A absorptive capacity", which has been established in the theory of innovative knowledge base, so as to study the relationship between mergers and acquisitions, heterogeneous enterprises and technological innovation. Based on the data of Chinese listed companies from 2004 to 2013, this paper makes an empirical test on the theoretical conclusions by using the "tendency score method and multiple difference estimation" technology. The results show that: (1) M & A can expand the knowledge base of the acquisition company and has significant innovative effect, in the four years after the merger and acquisition window, The patent authorization and innovation efficiency of acquired enterprises are significantly higher than those of non-acquired enterprises. (2) knowledge absorption power rather than absorptive capacity is the most important determinant of innovation effect of M & A, and the ownership structure is moderately concentrated. Enterprises with higher proportion of institutional investors and lower degree of competition in external industries have obvious comparative advantages over other enterprises in terms of knowledge absorption power, and the innovation effect of M & A is higher than that of other enterprises. However, the innovation effect of M & A of enterprises with different absorptive capacity is not significantly different; (3) the narrowing effect of the gap of M & A innovation caused by the advantages of state-owned enterprises in the aspect of knowledge absorption ability cannot compensate for the decrease in the power of knowledge absorption. The enlarged effect of inferiority, The patent authorization and innovation efficiency of M & A of state-owned enterprises are significantly lower than that of private enterprises. Based on the conclusion of the study, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to improve the innovation effect of M & A of listed companies.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学经济与金融学院;
【基金】:西安市软科学项目“新能源汽车推广应用实施路线图”(项目编号:SF150 7(3)) 中央高校基本科研项目“收购兼并、企业创新与过剩产能的化解:作用机制及对策研究”(项目编号:sk2014015)
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