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发布时间:2018-11-10 18:07
[Abstract]:Competition can improve the efficiency of enterprises and promote economic prosperity. Therefore, the reform of state-owned enterprises to introduce the competition of private enterprises is the inevitable result of the reform of state-owned enterprises. However, due to the inertia of government behavior, the relationship between state-owned enterprises and the government seems to be difficult to get rid of. The state-owned enterprises often get preferential treatment from the government in some ways. In the face of this problem, it is very important to set up a competitive system in accordance with the characteristics of our country's economic development. Competition in competition refers to the situation in which the government's commercial activities compete with the private enterprises. The enterprises or institutions that carry out the government's commercial activities cannot have a net advantage over the private enterprises because of the nature of the government or the state. The development of China's socialist market economy is guided by the principles of Marxist political economy, so it is also necessary to establish a system in the competition of our country on the basis of Marxist political economy theory. Marxist political economy theory contains abundant competition theory as well as ownership theory, which has profound guiding significance for the construction of the system in the process of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises. This paper is divided into four major plates to carry out research and analysis: the first plate, the outline of the system of competition. This paper makes a preliminary exposition and analysis of the Marxist theoretical basis of competition neutrality and the basic concept of competition neutrality. The second part is the practical development and comparative analysis of competition neutrality in foreign countries. By comparing and analyzing the practical experience of foreign countries' competition neutrality, this paper provides a reference for the construction of our country's competitive neutral system, and the third part, the achievements and shortcomings of the competition in the process of SOE reform. On the basis of combing the process of introducing competition mechanism into the reform of state-owned enterprises in China, this paper analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of competition neutrality in the process of state-owned enterprise reform. Under the guidance of Marxist competition theory and ownership theory, on the basis of drawing lessons from the practical experience of foreign countries in competition, this paper constructs a competitive neutral system in line with the present situation of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. This paper holds that in order to perfect the socialist market economic system and promote the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to build a competitive middle system that conforms to the characteristics of our country's economic development. Establishing the basic position of competition policy at the macro policy level and giving play to the decisive role of market resource allocation; At the micro legal level, we should set up a legal mechanism in the competition from four aspects: classified management of state-owned enterprises, market access, burden of operation and return on investment, so as to realize fair competition between state-owned enterprises and other enterprises under ownership; At the same time, in order to create the socialist market economy environment of fair competition, take the fair competition examination as the starting point, realize the competition compliance of the government behavior, carry forward the competition culture vigorously, improve the competition consciousness of the government, enterprise and citizen; China is a socialist market economy guided by Marx's theory. Therefore, the construction of competition system in our country should be guided by Marxist competition theory and socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics. On this basis, the fair competition of enterprises with different ownership is realized, and the healthy, rapid and sustainable development of state-owned enterprises is realized.


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