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发布时间:2021-09-02 05:00


【文章页数】:86 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Background and significance of study
    1.2 Research methodology
    1.3 Research content and structure of paper
2 Literature Review
    2.1 Definition of Supplier Management
    2.2 Supplier Classification
    2.3 Supplier Performance evaluation
    2.4 Supplier evaluation and selection
3 Description of T company’s supplier management status
    3.1 The profiles of T company
        3.1.1 Introduction of T company
        3.1.2 T company’s organization chart
    3.2 The purchase situation of T company
    3.3 The description of T company’s supplier management currently status
        3.3.1 Supplier assessment system for Fabricate Metal commodity in T company
        3.3.2 Supplier selection and award process of Fabricate metal commodity new project in T company
        3.3.3 T company’s supplier change management process
4 Analysis of problems in supplier management of T company
    4.1 Mainly problem of supplier management for T company’s Fab metal commodity
        4.1.1 Didn’t manage suppliers strictly according to product process type
        4.1.2 The process of new project supplier selection and awarding of Fab metal commodity is simple
        4.1.3 Supplier change management process in mass production is very simple and formal
    4.2 Mainly causes of the problems in T company
        4.2.1 Lack of perfect prefer supplier pool and relevant supplier assessment system
        4.2.2 Lack of the reasonable new project supplier selection and awarding process
        4.2.3 Lack of perfect Fab metal supplier change management process
5 Optimize the supplier assessment and awarding selection of T company’s Fabricate Metal commodity
    5.1 Set up the assessment process of preferred Fabricate metal supplier
        5.1.1 Set up a team who can make the preferred fab metal supplier pool
        5.1.2 Make the assessment criteria of preferred fab metal supplier in T company
        5.1.3 Comprehensive evaluation whether it is preferred Fab metal supplier ornot
    5.2 Optimize the process of supplier awarding selection of T company Fabricate Metal commodity
        5.2.1 Establish a team for award selection
        5.2.2 Request for the quotation and hold the Sourcing table(Procurement internal award selection)
        5.2.3 Supplier selection recommendation alignment meeting with cross function
        5.2.4 Send the award letter to supplier and inform them to make the sample and do the sample qualification
    5.3 Optimize the supplier changing management process of the mass production project of T company
        5.3.1 Submit change supplier application
        5.3.2 Set up the team who can make the decision for supplier change
        5.3.3 RFQ and second source selection
        5.3.4 Inform customer for source change
        5.3.5 Make the master move plan and product qualification
    5.4 Effect Analysis
6 Conclusions and prospects
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Prospects

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