本文关键词: 互联网企业知识型员工 工作压力 自我效能感 工作投入 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Along with more and more news reports of white-collar overwork in the workplace, the problem of employee stress in enterprises is attracting more and more attention. Among the news exposed, the news of overwork death of Internet enterprise employees is particularly noticeable, with the development of information society, With the rapid iteration of technology renewal, the competitive advantage of Internet enterprises is mainly internalized in their knowledge workers. The characteristics of technology intensive and knowledge intensive make employees in a fast-paced, high-load and high-pressure environment. A large number of studies show that, Excessive stress not only seriously damages the physical and mental health of employees, causing physical exhaustion, anxiety, depression, overwork and other physiological hazards, but also has a great negative impact on the organization, causing high turnover rate, absenteeism rate, and job burnout. Work involvement is a hot area of organizational behavior, occupational health psychology and positive psychology, which seriously affects the development of enterprises. It reflects the positive state of the employee's work emotion and behavior. How to promote the employee's psychology and behavior to maintain the positive state continuously, according to the different work stress environment, It is a common concern of academic circles and enterprise practice to improve the employee's work investment in both organizational and individual aspects. This paper refers to the existing relevant theories at home and abroad. Through empirical analysis, this paper studies the relationship between work stress and job engagement of knowledge workers in Internet enterprises. A study on the expansion of Self-efficacy as a regulating variable. The study found that there is a significant negative correlation between work stress and work engagement. (2) Self-efficacy plays a positive role in the relationship between work stress and work engagement. The individual attribute difference of the employee will lead to the perception of the work stress. According to the conclusion of the study, this paper puts forward the corresponding suggestions for enterprise managers, and points out the limitations of this study. Hope to provide reference for the follow-up academic research and enterprise practice.
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