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发布时间:2018-05-05 01:35

  本文选题:物联网产业 + 影响因素 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:物联网被称为继计算机、互联网之后信息产业的第三次革命,它对社会和经济的发展都将产生重大的影响,是经济增长的重要源泉。因此有必要研究我国物联网产业发展的关键影响因素,以便物联网产业的利益相关者制定合理的规划和措施。 目前我国对物联网产业的研究大多在技术领域,从管理学或经济学角度进行实证研究的不多。而本文恰是从经济管理的视角,,对我国物联网产业发展的关键影响因素进行实证研究。 首先,通过回顾和分析国内外专家学者对物联网产业的综合研究成果,确定本文的研究内容及框架。并从经济发展水平、社会发展水平、政府、法律、市场、人力资本、标准、企业和技术等9个方面建立影响我国物联网产业发展的指标体系。 其次,采用SPSS软件分析每个影响因素,以此衡量不同因素对物联网产业发展的影响程度。其实证部分主要包括:(1)通过预调研分析,修正本文初始指标的设置,删除社会发展水平这一项假设,剩余8项影响因素和研究假设进入之后的研究分析。(2)通过信度和效度的检验验证问卷的可靠性、有效性和后续实证研究的可行性。(3)通过因子分析验证了影响因素的8个一级指标和41个具体二级指标之间的匹配关系。用提取的8个关键因子进行后续分析,简化了数据分析这一过程。(4)通过相关分析,证明了8个因素与物联网产业发展的正相关关系,验证本文提出的8个研究假设。(5)回归分析的结果显示本文提出的8个研究假设有5个通过验证,即影响我国物联网产业发展的关键因素最终是政府、市场、标准、物联网生产及运营企业和技术等5个因素,而其余的三个影响因素:经济发展水平、法律和人力资本对我国物联网产业发展的影响不显著,即不是关键影响因素。 最后,基于实证研究的结果,针对物联网产业发展的5项关键影响因素提出针对性的建议,并指出本文的不足之处和研究展望。
[Abstract]:The Internet of things is called the third revolution of the information industry after the Internet of things. It will have a great impact on the development of society and economy and is an important source of economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to study the key influencing factors of the development of the Internet of things industry in China, so as to make reasonable plans and measures for the stakeholders of the Internet of things industry. At present, the research on the Internet of things industry in China is mostly in the field of technology, and there are few empirical studies from the angle of management or economics. From the perspective of economic management, this paper makes an empirical study on the key factors affecting the development of the Internet of things industry in China. Firstly, through reviewing and analyzing the comprehensive research results of domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the Internet of things industry, determine the content and framework of this paper. The index system which affects the development of Internet of things industry in China is established from nine aspects: economic development level, social development level, government, law, market, human capital, standard, enterprise and technology. Secondly, SPSS software is used to analyze each factor to measure the influence of different factors on the development of Internet of things industry. In fact, the evidence section mainly includes: 1) through pre-investigation and analysis, we can revise the setting of the initial indicators in this paper and delete the assumption of the level of social development. The reliability of the questionnaire was verified by testing the reliability and validity of the remaining 8 influencing factors and research hypotheses. The validity and feasibility of the subsequent empirical research. (3) the matching relationship between 8 first-order and 41 specific second-order indexes of influencing factors was verified by factor analysis. Using the eight key factors extracted for follow-up analysis, the process of data analysis is simplified. Through the correlation analysis, the positive correlation between the eight factors and the development of the Internet of things industry is proved. The results of regression analysis show that five of the eight research hypotheses put forward in this paper have been verified, that is, the key factors affecting the development of the Internet of things industry in China are ultimately the government, market, and standards. The other three factors are the level of economic development, the influence of law and human capital on the development of the Internet of things industry in China is not significant, that is, it is not a key factor. Finally, based on the results of empirical research, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the five key factors affecting the development of the Internet of things industry, and points out the shortcomings and research prospects of this paper.


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