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发布时间:2018-06-20 17:35

  本文选题:信息化 + 工业化 ; 参考:《广东商学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:二十世纪九十年代新技术革命席卷全球,信息化在工业化基础上蓬勃发展,成为实现工业化跨越式发展的重要手段。我国适应时代发展的要求,先是把信息化作为国家发展战略,后又提出“两化融合”的科学理念,坚持把信息化与工业化结合起来,坚持走新型工业化道路。实践证明,“以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化”的战略举措是符合中国实际的。二十余年来,广东信息化建设在全国率先起步一直领先,工业化进程也不断加深,对促进全国两化融合起到示范带头作用,这是本文以广东作为研究对象的出发点。 本文运用了定性分析和定量分析相结合、理论研究与实证分析相结合的研究方法,探讨了广东信息化与工业化的互动融合关系。全文由六个部分组成,主要内容如下: 一、导论部分,主要阐明选题意义和研究方法,描述内容框架,并对论文的创新点和局限性作出陈述。 二、研究综述部分,对以往专家学者关于信息化、工业化的概念和两者关系的研究成果进行简要综述。 三、信息化与工业化的互动关系部分,从经济结构演变的角度揭示信息化与工业化是相互融合、共同发展的矛盾统一体;论述“信息化带动工业化、工业化促进信息化”的表现方式,并指出信息化主导着新时期工业化的发展方向。 四、广东信息化与工业化的发展概况部分,分析广东地区信息化与工业化三个阶段的发展历程,在此基础上,测算广东1990-2009年的信息化指数和工业化指数,将信息化与工业化的发展水平转化为可对比、可运算的指数。 五、基于VAR模型的广东信息化与工业化互动分析部分,通过对广东信息化指数和工业化指数建立VAR模型,,表明广东信息化和工业化存在着长期稳定的均衡关系,而在短期,信息化波动对工业化影响的速度和程度都大于后者对前者的影响。 六、广东信息化与工业化融合的政策建议部分,从理论回到实践,紧密结合广东实际,从企业、行业、区域三个层面提出全方位促进广东信息化与工业化有机融合的政策举措。
[Abstract]:In the 1990s, the new technological revolution swept the whole world, and informatization developed vigorously on the basis of industrialization, which became an important means to realize the leapfrog development of industrialization. In order to meet the requirements of the development of the times, our country first regards the informationization as the national development strategy, then puts forward the scientific idea of "the fusion of the two transformation", insists on combining the informationization with the industrialization, and adheres to the new road of industrialization. Practice has proved that the strategy of "promoting industrialization by informationization and promoting informatization by industrialization" is in line with the reality of China. In the past twenty years, the information construction in Guangdong has been the first to start in the country, and the industrialization process has been deepened, which plays an exemplary and leading role in promoting the integration of the two industries in the whole country. This is the starting point for this article to take Guangdong as the object of study. In this paper, the author combines qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, theoretical research with empirical analysis, and probes into the interactive fusion relationship between informatization and industrialization in Guangdong. This paper is composed of six parts. The main contents are as follows: first, the introduction part, mainly expounds the significance and research methods of the topic, describes the content framework, and makes a statement of the innovation and limitation of the paper. The second part is a brief review of the previous research achievements on the concepts of informatization, industrialization and the relationship between the two. Third, the interactive relationship between informatization and industrialization, from the point of view of economic structure evolution, it is revealed that informatization and industrialization are contradictory unity of mutual fusion and common development. Industrialization promotes informationization, and points out that informatization dominates the development direction of industrialization in the new period. Fourth, the general situation of Guangdong informatization and industrialization, analyzes the development process of three stages of informatization and industrialization in Guangdong, and then calculates the informatization index and industrialization index of Guangdong from 1990 to 2009. The development level of informationization and industrialization is transformed into an index that can be compared and calculated. Fifth, the interactive analysis of Guangdong informatization and industrialization based on VAR model, through establishing the VAR model of Guangdong informatization index and industrialization index, it shows that there is a long-term and stable equilibrium relationship between Guangdong informatization and industrialization, but in the short term, The speed and degree of the impact of informatization fluctuation on industrialization are greater than that of the latter on the former. Sixth, the policy suggestion part of the integration of Guangdong information and industrialization, from theory to practice, closely combined with the reality of Guangdong, from the enterprise, industry, regional three levels to promote the integration of Guangdong information and industrialization policy measures.


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