本文选题:信息扩散 + 智慧低碳 ; 参考:《经济问题》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Based on the structural equation model (SEM), this paper studies the formation mechanism of the low carbon effect of intelligence in the information service industry of China, investigates the source of the low carbon effect of the intelligence, and analyzes the mechanism behind the relationship between the information service industry and the quality of the environment. The empirical study shows that the development level of information service industry, the intelligent low-carbon policy and the information market environment play a positive role in the formation of the low carbon effect of the information service industry in China. The above three factors affect the adoption of information services in industrial enterprises and residents and promote the wide spread of information services in the economic and social sectors, resulting in the effects of intelligent low-carbon technology, structural effects and scale effects. Therefore, the expansion of the scale of the information service industry, the active intelligent low-carbon policy and the higher scientific literacy and income level of the residents will be conducive to the formation and full release of the intelligent low-carbon effect.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学城市学院;
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8 张s,