发布时间:2018-07-14 22:08
【摘要】:本文首先对威客、威客模式和威客网站这三个基本概念进行说明,然后介绍了威客行业当前业界已取得的研究成果和相关理论,以《2010年中国威客行业白皮书》的调查统计数据为主要参考依据,对目前国内威客行业的现状进行系统的分析,特别针对现行的悬赏模式整理出八个主要的问题,然后对提出的问题通过理论分析给出具有可行性的解决方案。本文通过改进目前威客网站广泛采用的悬赏威客模式来满足企业外包服务网络化的需要,为企业外包服务提供更有效的服务模式。最后对悬赏模式将面临的挑战和未来进行了展望。 本文中所涉及的大部分威客平台服务模式的改进内容,都已在本人主导开发的“1来2网企业综合服务平台”www.llai2.com上得到了实现,不久将正式上线,接受市场的检验。
[Abstract]:This paper first explains the three basic concepts of Weike, Weike mode and Weike website, and then introduces the current research results and related theories of Whiker industry. Based on the statistical data of the "2010 White Paper on China's Wake Industry" as the main reference basis, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the current situation of the domestic Whike industry, especially sorting out eight main problems in the light of the current reward model. Then a feasible solution to the proposed problem is given through theoretical analysis. In this paper, we improve the reward model widely used by Whiker website to meet the needs of outsourcing service networking, and provide a more effective service model for enterprise outsourcing services. Finally, the challenges and the future of the reward model are prospected. Most of the improvements in the service model of the Whiker platform have been implemented on the "1- Lai2 Network Enterprise Integrated Service platform" (www.llai2.com), which has been developed by me, and will soon be formally put on line to accept the test of the market.
[Abstract]:This paper first explains the three basic concepts of Weike, Weike mode and Weike website, and then introduces the current research results and related theories of Whiker industry. Based on the statistical data of the "2010 White Paper on China's Wake Industry" as the main reference basis, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the current situation of the domestic Whike industry, especially sorting out eight main problems in the light of the current reward model. Then a feasible solution to the proposed problem is given through theoretical analysis. In this paper, we improve the reward model widely used by Whiker website to meet the needs of outsourcing service networking, and provide a more effective service model for enterprise outsourcing services. Finally, the challenges and the future of the reward model are prospected. Most of the improvements in the service model of the Whiker platform have been implemented on the "1- Lai2 Network Enterprise Integrated Service platform" (www.llai2.com), which has been developed by me, and will soon be formally put on line to accept the test of the market.
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