[Abstract]:Based on the data obtained from the questionnaire survey of college students, the author studied the demographic characteristics, consumption mentality and behavior of opinion leaders who used mobile phones to spread information. The study found that young people in China tend to act as opinion leaders and their views on the efficacy of mobile advertising, their attitude to the effectiveness of mobile advertising in time, and the autonomous control over mobile advertising reception. And the mobile advertising operation and management company privacy protection trust is proportional. At the same time, the author also found that the tendency of young people to be opinion leaders is directly proportional to their acceptance of mobile advertising, the frequency of forwarding mobile ads, and the gender of mobile phone users and the annual income of their families. Young opinion leaders differ significantly from non-opinion leaders in their attitude to mobile phone marketing.
【作者单位】: 北京第二外国语学院;美国阿巴拉契亚州立大学;
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