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发布时间:2018-11-13 09:16
[Abstract]:With the further adjustment of our country's social and economic structure, the further transformation of the mode of development, the further acceleration of regional integration, the vigorous development of the city and county economy, the rapid expansion of local commercial banks and urban commercial banks, township banks, rural banks, Financial finance companies and financial cooperation organizations are springing up, and the competition environment of banking industry is becoming more and more intense. At the same time, the flow of talent in the local banking industry has increased significantly, and the competition among banks has become increasingly fierce. The quality of talent has become a branch in a local development speed, good or bad key factors. Investment and accumulation of human capital has become a major feature of banking competition. Building a high-quality, high-identity, competitive talent team has become the consensus of all types of banks. The Postal savings Bank of China completed the successful listing of the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2016, and successfully completed the three-step reform road map of "share reform, leading the war and listing". It has made no small achievements, but there are still many problems. One of the most prominent problems is the problem of human beings, that is, the gap between the needs of enterprise development and the ability of talent support is gradually widening. On the basis of the historical literature collection and interview, this paper applies the knowledge of human resource management and strategic management, from the current situation of talent, talent training, talent incentive, etc. On the basis of analyzing the talent strategy of A city branch and the problems of talent team construction and competition in postal savings bank A city branch, the talent strategy environment of A city branch is analyzed scientifically. Using relevant theoretical knowledge, this paper puts forward the implementation strategy of talent competition strategy in A city branch. In this paper, the author thinks that in the competition for talents, China Postal savings Bank A City Branch should give priority to solving the problem that the overall quality of its own employees is not high, the talent structure is in short supply, the effect of recruitment is limited, the training period is longer, and the incentive assessment is fixed. Six major problems, such as imperfect risk control of talent withdrawal, are put forward to set up the consciousness of "talent force" in the whole bank, to insist on "people-oriented, talents first", "to cultivate talents according to need, to innovate first" and "to highlight the key points", such as "putting human beings first, giving priority to talents" and "giving priority to innovation". To carry out the "principle of overall planning and promotion, through improving the ways of attracting and allocating talents, speeding up the training of talents, perfecting the examination of talent incentives, perfecting the management of talents, and carrying out measures with enterprise characteristics, reflecting the current emphasis," Strengthen the construction of talent team, implement the strategy of talent competition, guarantee the relative advantage of postal savings bank A city branch in the talent competition of A city, and provide manpower support for its development. It is of great significance to carry out the strategy of talent competition with regional characteristics of rich prefectures and cities in order to enhance the regional talent competition ability of banks and municipal branches and to do a good job of talent training.


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