[Abstract]:With the rapid development of interconnected information age, the demand for mobile user services is increasing rapidly, which makes the wireless resources of mobile network appear increasingly tight. In order to utilize the limited mobile network resources more effectively and reasonably, accurate traffic prediction is of great significance. In this paper, the method of depth learning based on constrained Boltzmann machine (Restricted Boltzmann Machine,RBM) is studied, and the prediction of mobile network traffic is realized. RBM can be regarded as an undirected graph bilevel network model. It is an effective unsupervised feature extraction method, which is often used to extract the features of image data. The conditional constrained Boltzmann machine (Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine,CRBM) is based on RBM and further considers the correlation between images in the time range. As a result, more superior performance in image recognition and so on has been obtained. In this paper, the depth learning model based on RBM,CRBM is studied. A novel (Deep Belief Network,DBN time series prediction model based on RBM is proposed. The model consists of three parts: the bottom layer is composed of two layers Gao Si Bernoulli RBM module, and the middle layer is feedforward neural network (Feedforward Neural Network,. The top level of FNN), is the error correction algorithm module. The model is applied to [Energy], [Dollar] and [TAIEX] data sets through experiments, and compared with the traditional FNN model and the FNN model based on Gao Si Bernoulli depth Boltzmann Machine (Gaussian-Bernoulli Deep Boltzmann Machine, GDBM). The results show that the prediction accuracy of the proposed DBN model is significantly improved. Considering that CRBM has the advantage of temporal correlation, a depth DBN model based on CRBM is proposed in this paper. The original CRBM is only suitable for the input of spatial pixels such as images, but not suitable for the time series prediction. A novel input representation is proposed, which makes temporal data suitable for application in CRBM. Based on the above research, the DBN model based on RBM and the DBN model based on CRBM, which are suitable for time series data input, are applied to mobile traffic prediction, respectively. In this paper, the authors select 10 community users in hot areas of the present network to report the measurement reports (MR), and construct the time series in the unit of 20 minutes of time granularity respectively. The prediction results show that 80% of the residential areas have achieved more than 80% prediction accuracy.
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