[Abstract]:In the dynamic and changeable competitive environment, the business network is often intertwined by the complex community of interests, and enterprises need to develop constantly, to promote their own initiative to shape competitive resources to adapt to the changes in the external environment. Nowadays, enterprise competition emphasizes more strategic and synergistic alliance relationship, and promotes enterprises to cultivate and form a mechanism of strategic alliance in dynamic market. Strategic alliance has become the common choice of excellent enterprises. As the world's fourth largest digital map provider in China, in May 2010, the four-dimensional map successfully landed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange small and medium-sized sector. Became the first navigation electronic map and dynamic traffic information service provider to be listed in China. In June 2014, through equity transaction, The successful introduction of the Internet gene and resources of Tencent makes it better adapt to the market competition. In addition to its cooperation with Tencent, Four-Dimension has actively adopted strategic alliances to consider capital, technology, resources, markets, brands, and many other factors in a comprehensive way, with nearly 20 different types of peers and across industries. Companies with different systems cooperate in all directions and from different angles. This paper studies the strategic alliance model of four dimensional new company in different stages by synthetically combing the annual report of four dimensional map new company and related literature. Through the analysis of the specific strategic alliance cases of the new company, this paper explores how to make better use of the strategic alliance as a means and approach to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and reveals the development trend and law of the strategic alliance of the new four-dimensional map company. The paper points out the risks and problems of the present strategic alliance of four dimensional new company. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the governance mechanism of the strategic alliance of four-dimensional new company. The research theory of strategic alliance has matured and needs further analysis of its core conceptual characteristics and important problems in practical cases. This paper provides a vivid practical case for the strategic alliance theory, deeply depicts the construction of the strategic alliance mechanism in the new period of the four-dimensional map. It provides a reference for enterprises how to make better use of strategic alliance as a means and way to improve their competitiveness as soon as possible.
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