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发布时间:2018-02-03 23:10

  本文关键词: 产业转移 动力机制 发展模式 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:全球化产业转移浪潮的推进,不仅给欠发达地区带来了良好的发展机遇,同时也加剧了地区之间的竞争。面对瞬间万变的复杂环境,有效承接产业转移在很大程度上促进了产业结构的调整和产业升级,从而推动了经济的高速发展。作为中部地区较发达省份之一,湖南省从80年代末以来,大量承接外来产业,利用外资投资成效显著。然而随着时间的推移,,湖南省在实践中也碰到了诸如产业同构、产业链配套不足等一些亟待解决的问题,这些弊端在一定程度上阻碍了湖南省区域竞争力的提升和全省经济的协调发展。因此,如何把握湖南省承接产业转移的动力机制,从本质上推动国际产业转移和区际产业转移的发展,开始成为全省关注的重点。本文以承接地为研究对象,从区域、企业、产业、政府多重视角出发,采用理论和实证相结合的方法分析承接产业转移的动力机制。 首先,理论部分以产业转移理论为基础,结合产业转移动因研究,构建了多重视角下承接产业转移的分析框架;其次,根据理论分析及湖南省产业承接的现状分析,选取湖南省2001-2011年十一年14个市州的相关指标数据,通过相关检验,并构建多元回归模型,实证检验湖南省承接产业转移的动力因素。 本文实证结果发现:(1)交通区位越发达,劳动力素质越高,说明区位条件优越,越能推动承接产业转移的发生;(2)从产业层面来看,产业结构对湖南承接产业转移显著负相关,而产业集聚对外商直接投资是负向显著影响,而对内联引资是正向显著影响;(3)从企业角度来看,劳动力成本与市场潜力均与承接产业呈显著正相关;(4)基于政府视角,基础设施的投入与产业承接负相关,且显著性不高,而对外开放程度对外商直接投资是正向显著效应,对内联引资则是负向显著效应。针对与假设不符的结果,本文给出了合理的解释,并在此基础上规范分析了湖南省承接产业的模式选择及提出了相关政策建议。
[Abstract]:The globalization industry transfer tide advancement, not only brings the good development opportunity to the underdeveloped area, but also intensifies the competition among the regions. The effective undertaking of industrial transfer to a large extent promoted the adjustment of industrial structure and industrial upgrading, thus promoting the rapid development of the economy. As one of the more developed provinces in the central region, Hunan Province has been since the end of 80s. A large number of foreign industries, the use of foreign investment has achieved remarkable results. However, with the passage of time, Hunan Province also encountered some problems such as industrial isomorphism, industrial chain supporting deficiencies and other problems to be solved. To a certain extent, these drawbacks hinder the promotion of regional competitiveness and the coordinated development of the provincial economy. Therefore, how to grasp the dynamic mechanism of Hunan province to undertake industrial transfer. In essence, to promote the development of international and interregional industrial transfer, began to become the focus of attention in the province. This paper takes the place of undertaking as the research object, from the regional, enterprise, industry, government perspective. The dynamic mechanism of undertaking industrial transfer is analyzed by combining theory and demonstration. Firstly, based on the theory of industrial transfer and the research of the motivation of industrial transfer, this paper constructs an analytical framework of undertaking industrial transfer from multiple perspectives. Secondly, according to the theoretical analysis and the analysis of the current situation of industrial undertaking in Hunan Province, the relevant index data of 14 cities and states from 2001 to 2011 in Hunan Province are selected and passed the relevant test. And build multiple regression model, empirical test of Hunan province to accept the dynamic factors of industrial transfer. The empirical results show that the more developed the traffic location and the higher the quality of labor force, the better the location conditions are and the more it can promote the transfer of industry. (2) from the industrial level, the industrial structure has a significant negative correlation with Hunan's undertaking industrial transfer, while industrial agglomeration has a negative and significant impact on FDI, while on inline investment it has a positive and significant impact; 3) from the view of enterprises, labor cost and market potential are significantly positively correlated with the undertaking industry; 4) based on the government perspective, the investment of infrastructure is negatively related to industrial undertaking, and the significance is not high, while the degree of opening to the outside world has a positive and significant effect on FDI. It is a negative significant effect to inline investment. In view of the result which is not in accordance with the hypothesis, this paper gives a reasonable explanation, and on this basis, it normalizes and analyzes the choice of the mode of undertaking industry in Hunan Province and puts forward some relevant policy suggestions.


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