本文关键词: 现代丝绸之路战略 丝绸之路经济带 世纪海上丝绸之路 互联互通 利益共同体 出处:《世界经济与政治》2014年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The modern Silk Road strategy is a complete set of foreign strategic ideas and a collection of several strategic ideas. The Silk Road Economic Belt mainly solves the problem of large-scale regional economic cooperation between China and the pan-Eurasian land countries and regions. The main solution of the Silk Road in the 21st century is the maritime Silk Road. It is the issue of large-scale regional economic cooperation between China and the coastal countries and regions of the pan-Eurasian continent. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor link the above-mentioned land-sea Silk Road to become the link and passage for land and coastal intercontinental economic cooperation in the pan-Eurasian continent. China was the starting country of the ancient Silk Road. This is the logical starting point for China to put forward the strategy. The deep interaction between China and the world has had a "spillover" effect. Responding to the needs of the Eurasian continent for deep integration and systematic cooperation. The community of interests and the community of destiny should be the soul of economic globalization, while connectivity and trade and investment facilitation are the binders of economic globalization and regional economic cooperation, It is the most basic measure of the construction of the modern Silk Road strategy. The construction of the Modern Silk Road Strategy is not an overnight task, but needs to be straightened out. The Modern Silk Road Strategy is the strategic ladder of China's "going out" strategy. At the same time, it is also a strategic channel for the international community to enter China. China has chosen to cooperate with the international community and share the benefits of the peaceful way of development is a new way to rise, it is full of oriental wisdom. It shows that China has a high sense of responsibility and mission to the future of mankind.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院中国边疆研究所;
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