发布时间:2018-02-24 05:10
本文关键词: 经济发展 海上丝绸之路 亚欧大陆桥 中国建材集团 董事长宋志平 比雷埃夫斯 基础设施 能源资源 通道建设 投融资体系 出处:《商业观察》2015年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"Belt and Road" has created huge business opportunities for enterprises, but enterprises should know clearly where the business opportunities are and what the risks are. According to preliminary estimates, the area along the "Belt and Road" route involves more than 60 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, with a total population of about 4.4 billion. The total economic volume is about 21 tillion US dollars, accounting for 63% and 29 percent of the global total respectively. The implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy in such a huge economic region is conducive to the economic development of the countries along the route, and also creates a rare development opportunity for enterprises.
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