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发布时间:2018-03-06 09:37

  本文选题:服务贸易 切入点:经济增长 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of foreign trade multiplier theory, trade engine theory, supply start theory and other related theories, this paper analyzes the impact of China's service trade on economic growth. Firstly, it introduces the current situation and characteristics of China's service trade development. By comparing the TCU RCA index of service trade between China, the United States and India, the results show that China's international competitiveness is relatively weak, which is not conducive to exerting the force of service trade on economic growth. Secondly, This paper focuses on the analysis of the mechanism of service trade driving economic growth, especially the indirect effects of structural growth, human capital accumulation and technological progress, which are the key factors to promote sustainable economic growth. First, considering the four modes of service trade, this paper divides it into two parts of cross-border service trade and commercial existence, and makes regression analysis with GDP, respectively. It is concluded that the export and import of China's service trade have positive effects on economic growth, and the export effect is more obvious. There is a significant positive correlation between the utilization of foreign capital and economic growth in the service industry. Since our country is still dominated by traditional service trade, this paper classifies service trade into three categories: transportation, tourism and other business services. The conclusion shows that China should gradually adjust the internal structure of service trade. Finally, aiming at the problems existing in China's service trade, combined with the policy and enlightenment of U.S.-India service trade, this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions for China's development of service trade.


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