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发布时间:2018-03-06 19:00

  本文选题:金融发展 切入点:产业结构 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,四川省经济保持持续平稳的增长,经济结构有所改善,投资拉动的作用愈发明显。特别是国家新一轮的西部开发战略、成渝经济区的发展建设、天府新区建设,为四川省经济的快速发展创造了条件。可以说四川省正处于加快建设西部经济高地,促进经济发展方式转变和结构调整的关键时期,金融业发展具有广阔的空间。但在经济发展的同时,四川省的产业结构和金融市场发展水平相对我国经济发达地区还是较为落后,需要得到重视和发展。 金融发展实质上就是金融体系由低层次向高层次转化的过程,包括短期的变化和长期的变化,涵盖了整个金融体系的每一个方面,是十分复杂的。金融体系主要包括金融调控体系、金融企业体系、金融监管体系、金融市场体系、金融环境体系五个方面的内容。随着市场经济的不断发展,社会分工更加细致和专业,经济货币化不断完善,金融活动占经济活动比重不断增大,金融发展理论也随之发展。金融发展理论研究的早期,戈德史密斯提出金融发展就是金融结构的变化。麦金农和肖则侧重于从制度和政策方面来看待金融发展,以金融自由化的角度衡量金融发展。上世纪90年代以来,金融危机频繁爆发,促使学者重新审视金融系统的功能,Levine的金融服务观和Merton的金融功能观具有代表性。总而言之,金融发展是金融体系整体水平不断提升,内部结构不断优化,功能逐步完善的一个动态过程,它的意义在于实现金融对资源的合理配置,促进经济发展和结构优化。 产业结构也称国民经济的部门结构,是指国民经济各产业部门之间再生产过程中形成的经济关系和比例关系,可以用来描述一个地区或国家不同产业之间的比例及变化趋势。各个产业部门的构成及相互之间的关联是不同的,对经济发展的贡献度也不一样。合理的产业结构能够拉动整个经济的快速增长,所以促进产业结构优化是拉动经济增长的必要手段之一。产业结构优化主要是指通过产业调整,各产业协调发展而达到的产业结构的合理化和高度化,进而实现经济的持续快速发展。 本文通过理论和实证相结合的方法,对四川省经济活动中金融发展和产业结构升级之间的相互关系及作用机制进行分析。从四川省省情出发,考虑四川省经济发展、金融发展和产业结构的特点,结合相关理论和四川省特有的地理环境、政策导向和经济环境等多方面因素,分析四川省金融发展和产业结构现状,同时选取相应的金融发展和产业升级的指标对其进行协整分析,从而得出在四川省经济运行过程中,金融发展和产业结构升级之间存在着相互的关系和促进作用,最后根据实证检验结果,结合四川省整体经济环境和产业结构现状提出与之相适应的政策建议以促进金融发展和产业结构优化,从而促进整个社会经济的平稳健康发展。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the new century, the economy of Sichuan Province has maintained a steady growth, the economic structure has improved somewhat, and the role of investment has become increasingly obvious. In particular, the new round of national strategy for the development of the western region and the development and construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, The construction of the Tianfu New District has created conditions for the rapid economic development of Sichuan Province. It can be said that Sichuan Province is in a critical period of speeding up the construction of the western economic highlands, promoting the transformation of the mode of economic development and structural adjustment. The development of financial industry has a broad space, but at the same time of economic development, the industrial structure and financial market development level of Sichuan Province is still relatively backward compared with China's economically developed regions, which needs to be paid attention to and developed. Financial development is essentially the process of transforming the financial system from a low level to a high level, including both short-term and long-term changes, covering every aspect of the entire financial system. It is very complicated. The financial system mainly includes the financial control system, the financial enterprise system, the financial supervision system, the financial market system and the financial environment system. With the development of the market economy, The social division of labor is more detailed and professional, the economic monetization is constantly improving, the proportion of financial activities in economic activities is increasing, and the theory of financial development has also developed. Goldsmith argues that financial development is a change in the financial structure. McKinnon and Xiao focus on the institutional and policy aspects of financial development and measure it in terms of financial liberalization. Since -10s, The frequent outbreak of financial crisis has prompted scholars to re-examine the function of the financial system Levine's view on financial services and Merton's view of financial function. In a word, financial development is the continuous upgrading of the overall level of the financial system and the continuous optimization of the internal structure. A dynamic process of gradual improvement of function, its significance lies in realizing the rational allocation of financial resources, promoting economic development and structural optimization. The industrial structure, also known as the sectoral structure of the national economy, refers to the economic relationship and the proportional relationship formed in the process of reproduction among the various industrial departments of the national economy. It can be used to describe the proportion and changing trend of different industries in a region or country. The contribution to economic development is also different. A reasonable industrial structure can stimulate the rapid growth of the whole economy, so promoting the optimization of industrial structure is one of the necessary means to stimulate economic growth. Industrial structure optimization mainly refers to industrial adjustment. The rationalization and elevation of the industrial structure achieved by the coordinated development of various industries can realize the sustained and rapid development of the economy. In this paper, the relationship and mechanism between financial development and industrial structure upgrading in Sichuan province are analyzed by combining theory and practice. Based on the situation of Sichuan province, the economic development of Sichuan Province is considered. The characteristics of financial development and industrial structure, combined with relevant theories and the unique geographical environment, policy orientation and economic environment of Sichuan Province, are analyzed to analyze the current situation of financial development and industrial structure in Sichuan Province. At the same time, select the corresponding indicators of financial development and industrial upgrading to carry out cointegration analysis, so that in the process of economic operation in Sichuan Province, there is a mutual relationship and promotion between financial development and industrial structure upgrading. Finally, according to the empirical test results, combined with the overall economic environment and the current situation of industrial structure in Sichuan Province, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward in order to promote the financial development and industrial structure optimization, thus promoting the stable and healthy development of the whole social economy.


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