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发布时间:2018-03-07 13:53

  本文选题:接转 切入点:统筹 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,,由于经济和社会发展的处于高速上升期,养老保险制度必须与巨大的社会变革相适应,这就对养老保险制度提出了更高的要求,也就是说面临着严峻的挑战。此外,随着制度环境的变化,养老保险自身也表现出与现实时代诸多的不适应性。可以说,养老保险制度正处在内外矛盾的交困中。这些矛盾迫切要求提高养老保险统筹层次以适应社会进步对制度发展的新要求。 养老保险是我国社会保险体系中重要的组成部分,是我国民生事业的重要实现手段。我国的基础养老金的统筹层次目前实现了省级统筹,虽然已经解决了省内的养老保险接转,但是对于省际间流动人口,基础养老金无法随身携带,对个人而言产生了重大的损失,随着经济社会的发展,社会保障的步伐也需要加快,基础养老金实现全国统筹迫在眉睫。异地接转人员是我国社会中的重要群体,而在这一群体中以农民工为主,农民工与城市职工相比本身的社会福利待遇差距就很大,如果当退休时的基础养老金不能无障碍的发放,那么对于农民工来讲是不够公平的。 我国目前养老保险统筹层次过低,在一定程度上限制了劳动力的合理流动,使得流动人口的养老保险不能在异地之间顺利转移衔接,极大地影响了养老保险收入再分配功能的发挥。解决方法就是提高统筹层次,实现全国统筹。一方面可以真正实现社会保障的公平性原则,另一方面可以提高异地接转人员对于养老保险的积极性,维护其基本权益,使他们的老年生活真正得以保障。养老保险的全国统筹提高了异地接转人口在达到退休年龄时的领取养老金的金额,体现了养老保险福利改进对独立个体的有利影响,这种变化时绝对值的变化,同时也是最直接的一种改进;养老保险全国统筹的根本目的是加强基础养老金在地区之间的收入再分配,具体体现在养老保险收入再分配系数数值的改变,收入再分配系数本身是一个相对值。两种变动共同形成了养老保险异地接转的收入再分配效应,主要表现为统筹前后基尼系数以及收入再分配调节力度的变化。 为了解决这一问题,本文通过对于全国统筹模式的设计,针对异地结转人员这类特殊人群的分析,计算得出基础养老金的微观差额、收入再分配程度的改变程度,通过收入再分配系数的数值来直观的体现养老保险统筹层次提升,并且通过基尼系数的测算来检验计算结果,从而对各个设计方案进行对比,综合各种因素,得出最优方案,为异地结转人员的养老金统筹提供数据和可行性方案。
[Abstract]:At present, as the economic and social development is in a period of rapid growth, the old-age insurance system must adapt to the huge social changes, which puts forward higher requirements for the pension insurance system, that is to say, it faces severe challenges. With the change of the institutional environment, the endowment insurance itself also shows a lot of inadaptability to the real times. The old-age insurance system is in the midst of internal and external contradictions, which urgently require raising the overall level of pension insurance to meet the new requirements of social progress for the development of the system. Pension insurance is an important part of our social insurance system and an important means to realize the livelihood of our country. Although the old-age insurance transfer in the province has been resolved, for the inter-provincial floating population, the basic pension cannot be carried with them, which has caused great losses to the individual. With the development of the economy and society, The pace of social security also needs to be quickened. It is urgent for the basic pension to realize the overall planning of the whole country. The transfer of workers from different places is an important group in our society, and in this group, migrant workers are the main groups. Compared with urban workers, the gap of social welfare treatment between migrant workers and urban workers is very large. If the basic pension can not be distributed without barriers when retiring, then it is unfair to migrant workers. At present, the level of endowment insurance is too low in our country, which limits the reasonable flow of labor to some extent, and makes the pension insurance of floating population unable to transfer smoothly between different places. It has greatly affected the exertion of the function of income redistribution of old-age insurance. The solution is to raise the overall planning level and realize the overall plan of the whole country. On the one hand, the principle of fairness in social security can be truly realized. On the other hand, it can improve the enthusiasm of the personnel transferred from different places to the pension insurance and safeguard their basic rights and interests. So that their old age life can really be safeguarded. The national overall plan of old-age insurance has increased the amount of pension received by people in different places when they reach retirement age, which reflects the beneficial impact of the improvement of pension insurance benefits on independent individuals. This change in absolute value is at the same time the most direct improvement; the fundamental purpose of the national plan for pension insurance is to strengthen the redistribution of income between regions of basic pensions. It is embodied in the change of income redistribution coefficient of pension insurance, and the income redistribution coefficient itself is a relative value. The main performance of the Gini coefficient and income redistribution before and after the change of adjustment. In order to solve this problem, this paper, through the design of the national overall planning model and the analysis of the special people such as the people carrying over from different places, calculates the microcosmic difference of the basic pension and the degree of the change of the income redistribution degree. Through the value of income redistribution coefficient to intuitively reflect the overall level of pension insurance upgrade, and through the Gini coefficient to test the calculation results, so as to compare the various design schemes, synthesizing all kinds of factors, get the best scheme. Provide the data and feasible plan for the pension plan of the personnel carried over from different places.


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