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发布时间:2018-03-07 14:37

  本文选题:区域金融中心 切入点:经济发展 出处:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:金融已成为现代经济的核心,金融中心作为金融活动的聚集地在经济社会发展中的作用越来越重要。近年来,我国30多个提出构建区域金融中心的城市开始调整战略思路,提出更加明确和符合实际的目标定位,从而避免无序和恶性竞争。在我国区域金融中心建设的这一新背景下,文章试图从区域金融中心形成机理出发,探求影响我国区域金融中心形成的一般性因素,比较各地区在建设区域金融中心的差异,提出进一步建设区域金融中心的建议。 目前国内外对金融中心形成的研究集中在如何构建国际金融中心的问题上,而且往往忽略金融腹地对中心城市建设金融中心的影响,对金融中心的评价指标也没有统一标准。针对以上问题,文章以区域金融中心为研究对象,将金融腹地的经济发展状况纳入考查范围。在实证方面利用中国金融中心指数(CFCI),选取21座城市的面板数据,构建金融中心形成影响因素的随机效应模型,增加了研究的科学性。 文章分五个部分对区域金融中心的形成问题进行研究:第一部分:提出研究的背景、意义和具体研究的问题,并对国内外有关文献进行回顾。第二部分:对金融中心内涵和层级进行界定,阐述我国金融中心的建设情况,为之后的理论和实证分析奠定基础。第三部分:从理论角度出发,探究了经济发展、制度创新对金融中心形成的影响机理,同时考察金融中心形成对二者的作用。第四部分:在第三部分理论分析的基础上,通过实证来检验区域金融中心形成与经济发展、制度创新的关系,并对比了我国不同地区在这两方面的差异。第五部分:根据区域金融中心形成问题的理论与实证的研究,提出相应的政策建议。 经过理论分析和实证的检验,文章得出以下结论:①经济发展、制度创新与金融中心形成有显著关系。②不同区域在经济发展和制度创新方面存在差异,我国不同区域继续构建金融中心应该因地制宜:东部沿海地区推进金融机构产权多元化,增强地方金融机构的竞争力;南部沿海地区进一步加强对外开放程度,尤其是建立海峡两岸的紧密联系;北部沿海和东北部沿海地区积极推动本地公司上市,完善资本市场;中部地区要在构建金融中心过程中发挥联结东西部的纽带作用;西部地区建设区域金融中心的首要任务是大力发展地区经济。
[Abstract]:Finance has become the core of modern economy, and financial center plays an increasingly important role in the economic and social development as a gathering place of financial activities. In recent years, more than 30 cities in our country have begun to adjust their strategic thinking for the construction of regional financial centers. In order to avoid disorder and vicious competition, this paper tries to set out from the formation mechanism of regional financial center under the new background of the construction of regional financial center in China. This paper explores the general factors affecting the formation of regional financial centers in China, compares the differences in the construction of regional financial centers in different regions, and puts forward some suggestions for further construction of regional financial centres. At present, the research on the formation of financial center at home and abroad focuses on how to construct international financial center, and often ignores the influence of financial hinterland on the construction of financial center in central city. There is also no uniform standard for the evaluation of financial centers. In view of the above problems, this paper takes the regional financial centers as the research object. The economic development of the financial hinterland is brought into the scope of examination. In the empirical aspect, the panel data of 21 cities are selected by using the CFCII index of China's financial center, and the stochastic effect model of the influencing factors of the financial center is constructed, which increases the scientific nature of the research. The paper is divided into five parts to study the formation of regional financial center: the first part: put forward the background, significance and specific research issues, The second part: define the connotation and level of financial center, expound the construction of financial center in China, and lay a foundation for the theoretical and empirical analysis. Part three: from the theoretical point of view, This paper probes into the influence mechanism of economic development and institutional innovation on the formation of financial center, and at the same time examines the effect of financial center formation on both. Part 4th: on the basis of theoretical analysis of the third part, This paper examines the relationship between the formation of regional financial centers and economic development and institutional innovation, and compares the differences between different regions of China in these two aspects. Part 5th: according to the theoretical and empirical research on the formation of regional financial centers, Put forward the corresponding policy recommendations. Through theoretical analysis and empirical test, this paper draws the following conclusions: 1. There is a significant relationship between institutional innovation and the formation of financial center. 2 there are differences in economic development and institutional innovation between different regions. The construction of financial centers in different regions of China should be tailored to local conditions: the eastern coastal areas should promote the diversification of property rights of financial institutions and enhance the competitiveness of local financial institutions, and the southern coastal areas should further strengthen the degree of opening up to the outside world. In particular, establishing close ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, promoting the listing of local companies and perfecting the capital market in the northern coastal and northeastern coastal areas, the central region should play a role as a link between the east and the west in the process of building a financial center; The primary task of building a regional financial center in the western region is to vigorously develop the regional economy.


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