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发布时间:2018-03-07 19:31

  本文选题:产业集聚区 切入点:转型升级 出处:《中原工学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Sanmenxia is located at the junction of Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi provinces. At present, it has one economic and technological development zone and seven industrial agglomeration areas. Due to its inherent economic structure, that is, the proportion of the primary industry is too large and the proportion of the third industry is too small, And most of the industries are mainly concentrated in the upstream of the industrial chain, which makes the economic structure of Sanmenxia unable to be effectively adjusted and improved in a short period of time. On the other hand, with the economic and social development, The concept of industrial agglomeration area has gradually come into people's view. Among them, the advantages of industrial agglomeration area are mainly reflected in the optimization of economic structure, the transformation of economic development mode, and so on, but with the acceleration of the process of industrial structure upgrading, The advantages of industrial agglomeration areas gradually fade, which makes the government have to put the transformation and upgrading of industrial agglomeration areas on the agenda. At present, most of the industrial agglomeration areas in Sanmenxia City are in the primary stage, facing a large traditional industrial base. In order to better promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial agglomeration area of the three Gorges City, this paper starts from the present situation of the industrial agglomeration area in Sanmenxia City, applies the SWOT analysis method of literature analysis and combines with the in-depth interview method. This paper studies the external environment and competition environment of the transformation and upgrading of the industrial agglomeration area in Sanmenxia city, and concludes that there are three kinds of restriction factors in the transformation and upgrading of the industrial agglomeration area in Sanmenxia city: institutional restriction. In addition, through the SWOT analysis, the advantages in the transformation and upgrading of Sanmenxia industrial agglomeration area are cost advantage, scale effect advantage, the disadvantage is the low level of science and technology, and the weak innovation ability. The upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain are not closely related, the supporting financial institutions are not perfect, and the financing difficulties of the small and medium-sized enterprises, etc., and then the specific countermeasures for the transformation and upgrading of the industrial agglomeration area in Sanmenxia City are constructed. The main approaches are as follows: first, To establish special funds for supporting the development of industrial agglomeration areas to support the innovation and R & D activities of leading enterprises in the industrial agglomeration areas, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises, and thus promoting the innovation capabilities of the entire industrial agglomeration areas; second, To support the core enterprises in the industrial agglomeration area, to help the leading enterprises in the industrial agglomeration area to optimize their capital structure, enhance their ability to resist risks, and realize the diversification of their property rights and investment through financing channels such as reorganization and joint ventures; third, Speed up the construction of central banks serving industrial agglomeration areas, improve the financing efficiency of industrial agglomeration areas, help small and medium-sized enterprises in industrial agglomeration areas solve problems such as difficult financing; 4th, deepen the reform of science and technology constitution, increase scientific research investment, Strive to build a scientific technology development and scientific service system, encourage specialized scientific research institutions, universities, research institutes, and other peripheral institutions to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities in industrial agglomeration areas, Thus, a group of research teams and institutions with independent intellectual property rights and key technologies are established.


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