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发布时间:2018-03-10 00:01

  本文选题:城乡收入差距 切入点:消费 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国城乡居民收入差距经历了四个阶段,即从开始调整后的缩小,到中期的扩大,随后再次调整后的在缩小,再到近年来的加速扩大的过程。根据2011年中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所发布的《中国城市发展报告No.4聚焦民生》显示,目前我国城乡收入差距比为3.23:1,成为世界上城乡收入差距最大的国家之一。四川省作为西部农业大省,在第二、三产业的迅速发展的同时,农业发展却相对比较缓慢,城乡居民收入差距不断扩大。与城镇居民相比,无论是收入绝对差异还是收入相对差异,农村居民都与其有很大差距。2007年6月,成都作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区后,在制度创新等方面有了先行先试的优先权以及更大的自主探索主动权。要更加有效地促进城乡经济协调发展,应该从研究城乡收入差距入手。本文的研究主要是:一、分析当前四川省的城乡收入差异现状;二、建立收入差异与消费的回归模型;三、用实证的方法,研究收入差异与经济增长的关系;最后,给出相应的政策意见和建议。 本文主要选取的是《四川省统计年鉴》上面的数据,作为二手资料进行实证研究。对收入差距和消费的度量进行了定义和计量,通过EXCEL、EVIEWS6.0和R软件对数据进行处理和统计分析。主要运用了相关性分析,协整分析,回归模型估计以及有序聚类等统计方法进行了研究。 第一章是绪论,介绍了我国正处一个经济发展迅速与不协调相并存的时刻,这既是机遇也是挑战,而四川省也存在着这样的问题。从研究背景上说明了进行研究的意义所在。 第二章是文献综述,分别介绍了国外研究所留下的古典和现代的收入分配理论、古典及现代的消费等理论、二元经济结构理论的内容和意义;介绍了国内学者对于城乡收入分配的研究,总结了各主要研究的内容和特点。 第三章是度量收入差距与消费方法的介绍。把收入差距分成了绝对和相对的,介绍了极差、平均差、变异系数等绝对差距和基尼系数、泰尔系数等相对差距的度量方法。把消费的研究分成了对消费量、消费需求和消费结构的研究,并对它们的计量方法做了介绍。 第四章利用有序聚类的统计方法,对四川省收入差距和消费的趋势进行分析,主要通过城乡收入差及收入比的趋势走向反应近年来四川省的城乡收入情况对比。 第五章是城乡收入差距的影响因素的研究,主要就城乡收入差距对于消费的影响情况作出分析,得到收入的差距对整体消费影响显著这一结论。 第六章研究了经济增长对于城乡收入比的影响情况。构造模型后,利用协整分析的方法,得到在短期和长期中,经济增长对城乡收入差都影响显著,并且长期情况下的经济增长对其的影响更大。 最后,针对以上分析研究的结论,本文对于在解决“三农”问题,以及转化二元结构的基础上,发展农村经济,缩小城乡差异提出了相关建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the income gap between urban and rural residents in China has experienced four stages, namely, from the beginning of the adjusted shrink, expand to the middle, then again after the adjustment in shrinking in recent years to accelerate the expansion process. According to the Institute China City Academy of social development and environment in 2011 < Chinese city No.4 focus on people's livelihood development report > shows that at present China's urban-rural income gap ratio is 3.23:1, become one of the largest countries in the world. The income gap between urban and rural areas in Sichuan Province as a major agricultural province in the west, the rapid development of the second, third industry at the same time, agricultural development is relatively slow, the income gap between urban and rural residents compared with urban expanding. Residents, regardless of income or income difference absolute relative difference, there is a big gap between the rural residents and its.2007 in June, Chengdu as a national urban and rural comprehensive supporting reform pilot area There is a priority, a pilot in the system innovation, and independently explore greater initiative. To more effectively promote the coordinated development of urban and rural economy, we should start from the income gap between urban and rural areas. This study is mainly: first, analysis of the current situation of income gap between urban and rural residents in Sichuan province; two, to establish the regression model of income the difference and consumption; three, using empirical methods, to study the relationship between income inequality and economic growth; finally, the corresponding policy suggestions and recommendations are given.
This paper selects the "statistical yearbook of Sichuan Province on the above data, as secondary data for empirical research. To measure the income gap and consumption were defined and measured by EXCEL, EVIEWS6.0 and R software for data processing and statistical analysis. The main use of the correlation analysis, cointegration analysis, statistical regression method model estimation and clustering were studied.
The first chapter is the introduction. It introduces the time when our economy is developing rapidly and incompatible. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. There are also such problems in Sichuan province. From the research background, we explained the significance of the research.
The second chapter is literature review, which introduces foreign research left by the classical and modern theory of income distribution, classical and modern consumption theory, the content and significance of two yuan economic structure theory; introduces the research on the income distribution of domestic scholars, summarizes the main research contents and characteristics.
The third chapter is the measure of income gap and consumption method is introduced. The income gap is divided into absolute and relative, the poor, the average deviation, coefficient of variation of the absolute gap and the Gene coefficient, Theil coefficient method to measure the relative gap. The consumer research into research on consumption, consumer demand and consumption structure, and their measurement methods are introduced.
The fourth chapter uses the statistical method of ordinal clustering to analyze the trend of income gap and consumption in Sichuan Province, mainly through the trend of income gap between urban and rural areas and the trend of income ratio to reflect the comparison of urban and rural income in recent years in Sichuan province.
The fifth chapter is the research on the influencing factors of the urban-rural income gap. It mainly analyzes the impact of the income gap between urban and rural areas on consumption, and gets the conclusion that the income gap has a significant impact on the overall consumption.
The sixth chapter studies the impact of economic growth on the income ratio of urban and rural areas. After constructing the model, we use the cointegration analysis method to get that in the short and long term, the economic growth has a significant impact on the income gap between urban and rural areas, and the long-term economic growth has a greater impact on it.
Finally, according to the above conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions for developing the rural economy and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas on the basis of solving the "three rural issues" and transforming the two element structure.



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