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发布时间:2018-03-10 00:04

  本文选题:出口品技术含量 切入点:劳动力流动 出处:《浙江工商大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:产业转型升级是我国“十二五”规划的重点问题。现阶段我国主要产业类型集中在第二产业,且劳动资源密集型产业占较大比重,位于全球价值链(GVC)的低端。根据我们前期研究结果显示,出口产品技术含量提升稳健地促进产业的转型升级,与此同时,带动了劳动力在产业间和区域间的流动。那么,出口品技术含量的提升与产业升级之间的关联机制如何?这可以得到理论关联与我国现实的论证。研究我国出口品技术含量提升与产业升级的关联机制具有重要的理论与政策含义。 本文基于新经济地理学理论,对cp模型进行拓展,从理论上研究出口品技术含量与产业转型升级之间的关系。理论分析表明出口品技术含量变动会引起工人工资变化,从而引致劳动力流动,进而形成产业集聚,最终助推产业转型升级。本文将深入讨论我国东中西部各省产业升级之间的现实状况、影响因素及各省产业升级差异的原因。 影响产业升级的原因诸多,本文侧重研究出口品技术含量提升对产业转型升级的影响。在我国东中西部地区比较优势不同的基础上,对我国东中西部31个省市、自治区的出口品技术含量进行测算。当相对出口品技术含量发生变化时,用相对就业率变动来表征劳动力流动,用第二产业的相对产值的增加幅度低于第三产业的相对产值增加幅度来表征产业升级。通过对“入世”以来我国东中西部各省的相对出口品技术含量变化,东中西部各省相对就业率与东中西部各省第二第三产业相对产值和相对就业率的统计分析,发现两者者之间存在明显的关联性。 本文采用了我国31个省市、自治区的数据(2002—2008年),使用系统GMM计量分析方法,来验证出口品技术含量与产业转型升级之间的关联机制。实证结果发现二者之间存在明显的关联性,当出口品技术含量提升,第三产业产值也有较明显的提升。有基于此,本文提出进一步提升出口品技术含量,促进产业升级的对策建议。 本文内容分为五部分:文章第一部分绪论主要阐述选题背景,研究意义以及国内外文献研究综述,对文章的研究方法、研究框架、创新论点以及难点进行阐述说明。第二部分从理论上分析出口品技术含量的提升与产业转型升级之间的关联机制。第三部分为论文的统计部分,用统计的方法验证出口品技术含量与产业转型升级之间的关联机制。第四部分为论文的计量估计部分,对我国东中西部各省出口品技术含量进行测度,运用面板数据模型进行回归分析。基于计量分析结果,讨论了出口品技术含量的提升与产业转型升级之间的关联机制。第五部分根据论文的研究结论提出政策建议。
[Abstract]:Industrial transformation and upgrading is a key issue in China's 12th Five-Year Plan. At this stage, the main types of industries in China are concentrated in secondary industries, and labor-intensive industries account for a large proportion. Located at the low end of the global value chain GVC. according to our previous research results, the technological upgrading of export products steadily promotes the transformation and upgrading of industries, at the same time, it drives the movement of labor force between industries and regions. What is the correlation mechanism between the upgrading of export technology and the upgrading of industry? It can be proved that the theoretical relevance and the reality of our country. It has important theoretical and policy implications to study the correlation mechanism between the upgrading of export technology and the upgrading of industry in China. Based on the theory of new economic geography, this paper extends the cp model and theoretically studies the relationship between the export technology content and the industrial transformation and upgrading. The theoretical analysis shows that the change of export technology content will lead to the change of workers' wages. This paper will discuss the actual situation of industrial upgrading between the eastern, central and western provinces of our country, the influencing factors and the reasons of the differences of the industrial upgrading in each province. There are many reasons that affect the industrial upgrading. This paper focuses on the impact of export technology content on industrial transformation and upgrading. On the basis of the different comparative advantages of China's eastern, central and western regions, 31 provinces and cities in the east, west and west of China are studied. The technical content of the regional exports is calculated. When the technical content of the relative exports changes, a change in the relative employment rate is used to characterize labor mobility. The increase in the relative output value of the secondary industry is lower than the increase in the relative output value of the tertiary industry to characterize the upgrading of the industry. Based on the statistical analysis of the relative employment rate of the eastern and western provinces and the relative output value and the relative employment rate of the secondary and tertiary industries in the eastern and western provinces, it is found that there is an obvious correlation between the two. The data of 31 provinces and autonomous regions in China from 2002 to 2008 are used in this paper. The systematic GMM method is used to measure and analyze the data. To verify the correlation mechanism between export technology content and industrial transformation and upgrading. The empirical results show that there is a clear correlation between the two. When the export technology content increases, the tertiary industry output value also has a significant increase. Based on this, This paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to further enhance the technical content of exports and promote industrial upgrading. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the introduction mainly describes the background of the topic, research significance and domestic and foreign literature review, the article's research methods, research framework, The second part is the theoretical analysis of the correlation mechanism between the upgrading of export technology content and the industrial transformation and upgrading. The third part is the statistical part of the paper. The correlation mechanism between export technology content and industrial transformation and upgrading is verified by statistical method. Part 4th is the econometric estimation part of the paper, which measures the technical content of export products in the eastern, western and central provinces of China. Based on the results of econometric analysis, this paper discusses the correlation mechanism between the upgrading of export technology content and industrial transformation and upgrading. Part 5th puts forward policy recommendations according to the conclusions of the paper.


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