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发布时间:2018-03-10 10:23

  本文选题:发展规划 切入点:蓝色经济区 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:21世纪是海洋的世纪,是“蓝色革命”汹涌澎湃的世纪。纵观国内外,海洋经济在整个经济中的比重日益加大,逐步成为全球范围内新的经济增长点。文登市地处山东半岛东部,虽然临海,但海洋经济发展滞后,处于方兴未艾的状态。近年来,文登市大力实施南海海洋经济新区开发战略并取得了一定成绩,区域经济和综合实力获得了较大提升。但是,新区在开发初期也暴露出一些问题,直接影响到新区的开发与建设水平,尤其在全球经济形势不明朗的背景下,有必要从新区的规划、政策等角度采取一系列措施,以保证新区的积极、稳妥和可持续发展。 本文以文登南海海洋经济新区作为研究对象,对其发展规划和政策问题进行了研究。本文分为四部分。第一部分从蓝色经济和蓝色经济区概念入手,从国内外两个方面对蓝色经济和蓝色经济区发展进行了研究分析,提出加快文登南海海洋经济新区发展的重要意义。第二部分对文登南海海洋经济新区发展现状进行了描述,对新区建设的优势、劣势和面临的机遇、风险进行了分析,确定了新区发展的规划定位。第三部分结合文登南海海洋经济新区实际,,提出了新区的发展思路、产业定位和产业发展重点,按照“一心两翼,四带多园”的产业布局框架进行规划,致力于打造海洋先进装备制造产业园、海洋节能环保产业园、海洋生物医药产业园、港口物流产业园、日韩产业园和金滩滨海养生旅游度假区、科技创新孵化基地等产业园区,重点发展海洋先进装备制造、智能机械设备、节能环保设备、海洋生物制药、精细化工、港口物流、滨海休闲旅游、科创研发等几大产业,并利用毗邻日韩的区位优势,承接日韩产业转移,打造中日韩自由贸易区的先行区和试验区。第四部分根据文登南海海洋经济新区开发建设现状,通过政策性、基础设施及行政职能等一系列保障措施,加快文登南海海洋经济新区建设步伐。
[Abstract]:21th century is the century of the sea and the "blue revolution". Throughout the world, the proportion of marine economy in the whole economy is increasing day by day. Wendeng is located in the eastern part of Shandong Peninsula. Although it is near the sea, the development of marine economy is lagging behind, and it is in the ascendant state in recent years. Wendeng has made great efforts to implement the development strategy of the South China Sea Marine Economic New area and has made certain achievements. The regional economy and comprehensive strength have been greatly improved. However, some problems have also been exposed in the initial development of the new area. It is necessary to take a series of measures from the angle of planning and policy of the new area in order to ensure the positive, safe and sustainable development of the new area, especially under the background of uncertain global economic situation. In this paper, the development planning and policy of Wendeng South China Sea Marine Economic area are studied. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part starts with the concept of blue economy and blue economic zone. This paper studies and analyzes the development of blue economy and blue economic zone from two aspects at home and abroad, and puts forward the importance of speeding up the development of Wenden South China Sea Marine Economic Zone. The second part describes the present situation of Wenden South China Sea Marine Economic New area. This paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks faced in the construction of the new area, and determines the planning and orientation of the development of the new area. The third part puts forward the development ideas of the new area in combination with the actual situation of Wendeng South China Sea Marine economy New area. Industrial positioning and industrial development focus, according to the industrial layout framework of "one mind, two wings, four belts and many gardens", and devoting to building marine advanced equipment manufacturing industry park, ocean energy conservation and environmental protection industry park, marine biological medicine industry park, Port Logistics Industry Park, Japan and Korea Industrial Park, Jintan Coastal Health Tourism Resort, Science and Technology Innovation incubation Base and other industrial parks, focusing on the development of advanced marine equipment manufacturing, intelligent machinery and equipment, energy conservation and environmental protection equipment, marine biological pharmaceutical, Fine chemical industry, port logistics, coastal leisure tourism, Kechong R & D and other industries, and take advantage of the adjacent location of Japan and South Korea to undertake industrial transfer between Japan and South Korea. In 4th, according to the current situation of the development and construction of Wenten South China Sea Marine Economic New area, a series of safeguard measures such as policy, infrastructure and administrative functions were adopted. We will speed up the pace of building a new marine economic zone in the South China Sea.


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