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发布时间:2018-03-10 21:40

  本文选题:珠三角规划纲要 切入点:区域经济发展 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本论文根据国务院颁布的《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年)》(以下简称《珠三角规划纲要》)为基础,研究了国内外区域性经济发展的理论和成果,结合广东省据此推出的一系列政策,以东莞市贯彻落实过程中所开展的一系列工作为重点,对比了东莞市在贯彻落实过程中所产业的实际效果,分别对东莞市在此过程中的产业升级、城市功能、制度创新进行关键性分析,得出在社会主义体制下,特别是社会主义市场经济体制下的区域性经济发展的做法与模式。 珠江三角洲,是指1994年10月,广东省政府提出“珠江三角洲经济区”所描述的特定区域,包括广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、东莞、中山、惠州、肇庆等9个城市的集合,位于广东省中南部珠江下游,土地面积为4.163万平方公里,占全国的0.438%。据广东省统计年鉴数据,2009年珠江三角洲地区常住人口为4786.24万人,约占全国人口数的3.633%;其中外来人口1819.22万,占常住人口的38%。从经济情况来说,珠三角全年完成GDP总量超过25000亿元,约占广东省GDP总量82.97%,增速分别超出广东和全国的3-6个百分点,是中国改革开放以来,经济发展最快的区域之一,对中国区域性经济发展具有标杆性意义。 2009年1月,,国务院颁布的《珠三角规划纲要》,提出珠三角要探索科学发展模式试验区、深化改革先行区、大胆探索,先行先试,推进与港澳紧密合作,提升科学创新能力,成为全球具有核心竞争力的大都市圈之一。东莞市作为其中的一份子,在推动实施《珠三角规划纲要》工作中开展了大量卓有成效的工作,一方面推动本地区的经济融合和发展,另一方面加快融入到珠三角区域的大发展中,力争更多发展空间和机遇。把这一过程作为一个典型案例进行研究分析,并加以推广和应用,具有重要的现实意义。 本文遵循提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的思路,主要采用理论研究、文献研读、现况分析、案例调研等方法,探索了国家出台《珠三角规划纲要》的经济背景和时代意义,分析了国务院、广东省出台相关政策的关键与重点,研究了东莞市在贯彻实施过程中的做法和经验,对于我国其他地方开展类似的区域性、体体化经济区域发展具有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。
[Abstract]:Based on the "PRD Reform and Development Program" issued by the State Council for 2008-2020 (hereinafter referred to as "PRD"), this paper studies the theories and achievements of regional economic development at home and abroad. Combined with a series of policies put forward by Guangdong Province, focusing on a series of work carried out in the implementation process of Dongguan City, this paper compares the actual effects of the industries in Dongguan City during the implementation process. Through the key analysis of industrial upgrading, urban function and system innovation in Dongguan City, this paper concludes the practice and mode of regional economic development under the socialist system, especially in the socialist market economy system. In October 1994, the Guangdong Provincial Government proposed a collection of nine cities, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, and Zhaoqing, as described in the "Pearl River Delta Economic Zone." Located in the lower reaches of the Pearl River in the central and southern part of Guangdong Province, the land area is 41,630 square kilometers, accounting for 0.438 square kilometers of the whole country. According to the statistics yearbook of Guangdong Province, in 2009, the resident population of the Pearl River Delta region was forty-seven million eight hundred and sixty-two thousand and four hundred , accounting for about 3.633 percent of the population of the whole country; among them, the foreign population was eighteen million one hundred and ninety-two thousand and two hundred . From the economic point of view, the total amount of GDP completed in the Pearl River Delta in the whole year exceeded 2.5 trillion yuan, accounting for about 82.97 percent of the total GDP of Guangdong Province. The growth rate was 3 to 6 percentage points higher than that of Guangdong and the whole country, respectively. This is since China's reform and opening up. One of the fastest-growing regions in China has a benchmarking significance for regional economic development. In January 2009, the State Council promulgated the "Pearl River Delta Planning outline", which proposed that the Pearl River Delta should explore the experimental area of scientific development model, deepen the reform leading area, explore boldly, try first, promote close cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, and enhance the scientific innovation capability. As one of the most competitive metropolitan areas in the world, Dongguan City, as one of them, has carried out a lot of fruitful work in promoting the implementation of the PRD Planning outline. On the one hand, to promote economic integration and development in the region, on the other hand, to accelerate integration into the great development of the Pearl River Delta region, and strive for more space and opportunities for development. It has important practical significance to popularize and apply it. This paper follows the train of thought of putting forward problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, mainly using the methods of theoretical research, literature study, current situation analysis, case study, and so on, to explore the economic background and the significance of the times of the National Planning outline of the Pearl River Delta. This paper analyzes the key and key points of the relevant policies issued by the State Council and Guangdong Province, studies the practices and experiences of Dongguan City in the implementation process, and develops similar regions for other parts of our country. The development of body-based economic region has certain reference significance and reference value.


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