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发布时间:2018-03-10 22:27

  本文选题:环境公共支出 切入点:技术效率 出处:《中国人口.资源与环境》2014年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Under the realistic background of emphasizing the harmonious development of economic growth and resource conservation, the Chinese government pays more and more attention to environmental regulation and the effectiveness of related environmental public policies. Due to the market system environment, the scale and structure of environmental public expenditure are different. The influence of government environmental public expenditure on economic growth also has significant heterogeneity. From the point of view of enterprise technical efficiency, this paper estimates the technological efficiency of prefecture-level enterprises by means of stochastic frontier production function. Based on the simultaneous equations, the paper tests the function and transmission mechanism between environmental public expenditure and economic growth. At present, the level of environmental regulation in China is generally weak, the institutional quality and the scale of environmental public expenditure can not form an effective external innovation incentive. The expected "Porter hypothesis" effect is not significant. Therefore, the Chinese government should further increase the scale of environmental public expenditure, and vigorously enhance the level of environmental regulation in order to overcome the U-shaped inflection point between environmental regulation and economic growth. In structure, we should increase the proportion of expenditure in environmental research, environmental ecological information construction and environmental health education, and give full play to the positive role of environmental public expenditure in building a good external technological innovation environment.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学财政税务学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重大项目“地方政府性债务管理和风险防范研究”(编号:12&ZD047) 湖北省社会科学基金项目“湖北省增值税扩围改革经济效应”(编号:2012105) 武汉市社会科学基金项目“武汉市企业自主创新的财税激励政策研究”(编号:2011037)


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