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发布时间:2018-03-11 05:07

  本文选题:县域经济 切入点:研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:县域经济在我国的国民经济中占有重要地位,县域经济的持续快速发展是党的十八大报告中提出全面建成小康社会的客观要求,是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的重要表现形式。党的十八大报告把县域经济发展列为深化行政体制改革的重要内容。这些为促进县域经济发展提供了精神指引,县域经济的发展要坚持以市场为主导,立足当前,谋划长远,依托优势,特色经营,实现经济可持续发展和人民生活水平的显著提高。正确认识县域经济发展问题,对实现全面建成小康社会的目标和解决三农问题都有重要意义。 本文通过对牡丹江六个县市区县域经济发展的研究,将有助于推进牡丹江市县域经济的发展,对增强牡丹江农村经济实力,促进牡丹江小城镇发展,以及对优化产业结构,促进城乡统筹等起重要作用,能有效地解决牡丹江市县域经济发展中存在的观念落后,延滞了县域经济发展;特色不明,影响了县域经济发展;投入不足,限制了县域经济发展;对接错位,制约了县域经济发展等一系列现实问题,以及突破解决结构性矛盾突出、外贸结构不合理、资金制约因素突出等因素的束缚。为了更好地解决牡丹江市县域经济发展中存在的问题,以促进牡丹江市县域经济的发展,进而推动整个牡丹江市经济快速步入一个新的台阶,开展本课题对牡丹江市县域经济发展的研究,,对有效促进牡丹江市县域经济更好更快地发展十分必要。
[Abstract]:The county economy plays an important role in the national economy of our country. The sustained and rapid development of the county economy is the objective requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way in the report of the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report of the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China listed the development of the county economy as an important part of deepening the reform of the administrative system, which provided spiritual guidance for promoting the development of the county economy. The development of county economy should insist on taking the market as the leading factor, base on the present, plan for the long term, rely on the superiority and characteristic management, realize the sustainable development of the economy and the remarkable improvement of the people's living standard, and correctly understand the problem of the development of the county economy. It is of great significance to realize the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and to solve the problems of agriculture, countryside and farmers. Through the study of the county economic development in six counties of Mudanjiang, this paper will help to promote the development of county economy in Mudanjiang, strengthen the rural economic strength of Mudanjiang, promote the development of small towns in Mudanjiang, and optimize the industrial structure. Promoting urban and rural planning plays an important role in effectively solving the backward concept in the development of county economy in Mudanjiang, which has delayed the development of county economy; the unclear characteristics have affected the development of county economy; It has restricted the development of county economy, docked dislocation, restricted the development of county economy and a series of realistic problems, as well as breaking through and solving structural contradictions, the structure of foreign trade is unreasonable, In order to better solve the problems existing in the development of county economy in Mudanjiang, in order to promote the development of county economy in Mudanjiang, and then push the whole economy of Mudanjiang into a new stage, It is necessary to study the county economy development in Mudanjiang.


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