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发布时间:2018-03-11 03:24

  本文选题:居民消费 切入点:财政支出 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:消费、投资和出口是推动经济发展的三大动力。从我国的出口情况看,2008年金融危机后世界各国经济出现不同程度的衰退,我国的出口贸易也受到沉重打击。目前全球经济处于危机后的调整期,经济逐渐转暖和经济下行压力同时存在,世界形势依旧错综复杂,欧洲主权债务危机很可能进一步恶化,美国面对着退出QE的困境和财政悬崖问题,出口很难再成为促进我国经济发展的主要支柱。 就我国国内经济情况而言,以往“重投资轻消费”的发展模式很难继续,过分追求高投资的后果已逐渐显现,同时消费不足的问题也困扰着我国经济的前进。我国正处在重要战略发展机遇期,面临着经济转型的重要机遇和重大挑战,要保持经济总体稳健发展,又要转变经济发展方式,深化社会改革,这些都问题都需要扩大内需来实现。扩大内需的重点在于开拓我国国内居民的消费需求,发展国内消费市场。而当前我国的国内需求和居民消费存在诸多问题,国内消费市场需求不足,居民消费率持续偏低,尤其是在城乡二元经济的结构下农村居民的消费严重低于城镇居民,居民消费的增速明显滞后于经济发展的增速,与我国的经济发展严重不符,这些都是我国经济转型必须突破的关口。所以在这个经济社会转型的关键时期,研究财政政策如何影响居民消费尤为重要。 无论从理论上看还是从实践上来看,财政支出能够对居民消费产生影响。就我国消费率偏低储蓄率偏高的经济现状而言,如何有效地利用财政支出政策工具来引导居民消费、拉动经济增长,这一系列的问题本文研究的重点。我国财政对社会保障、医疗卫生、教育、住房和价格补贴的支出规模有限,问题颇多,这严重制约了我国城乡居民的消费预期。要想从根本上带动居民消费,扩大内需,就必须完善财政对上述方面的支出,减少居民对未来生活的后顾之忧。 本文主要通过对财政支出与居民消费的理论研究,探讨财政支出项目对居民消费的作用机制,然后依据现有的资料数据分析居民消费和财政支出的现状,进而建立计量模型测算不同的财政支出项目对居民消费的作用程度,最后在借鉴国外经验的基础上提出对我国财政支出政策的完善方案,从而引导我国城乡居民消费良性提高。 本文的主旨是研究财政支出对居民消费的影响机制,全文共分为五个部分,主要内容和结构安排如下: 第一部分是引言。主要内容包括本文选题的经济背景和研究意义、国内外的研究概述以及本文的创新点和不足。 第二部分是财政支出影响居民消费的机理分析。从消费需求与财政政策的理论入手,分析各类消费经典理论中影响居民消费的因素。接下来比较西方经济学各个学派中财政支出对居民消费的作用原理和机制,探讨不同的财政支出对居民消费的不同效应。 第三部分是居民消费和财政支出的现实考察。深入论述我国居民消费需求的现状和消费需求不足的原因,分析现阶段我国与居民消费相关的财政支出存在的主要问题。之后运用实证分析的方法,对我国各类财政支出项目与居民消费之间的关系进行计量模型研究,最后计算出相关结论。 第四部分是样本国家引导居民消费的财政支出政策与借鉴。在参考和借鉴样本国家引导居民消费的财政支出政策的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,总结国外扩大居民消费的财政支出政策的优点,得出对我国扩大居民消费的财政支出政策的启示。 最后一部分是提出引导我国居民消费的财政支出政策建议。根据前文财政支出问题的分析,提出具有针对性的引导我国居民消费的财政支出政策建议。
[Abstract]:Consumption, investment and export are the three major driving force to promote economic development. From the export situation of China after the 2008 financial crisis, the world economy have different degrees of decline, China's export trade has also been a heavy blow. At present, the global economy is in a period of adjustment after the crisis, the economy gradually warming and downtown pressure on the economy at the same time there, the world situation is still perplexing, the European sovereign debt crisis is likely to worsen, the United States faced the plight of withdraw QE and the fiscal cliff, export is very difficult to become a major pillar of promoting economic development in China.
China's domestic economic situation, the development mode of "heavy investment in light of consumption is difficult to continue, the consequences of excessive pursuit of high investment has gradually emerged, and the problem of inadequate consumption also affects China's economic progress. China is in the important period of strategic opportunities for development, facing an important opportunity for economic transformation and major challenges, to maintain the healthy development of the economy in general, but also change the mode of economic development, deepening social reform, we need to expand domestic demand. The focus of expanding domestic demand lies in developing China's domestic consumption demand, the development of the domestic consumer market. But there are many problems in current China's domestic demand and consumption. The insufficient demand of domestic consumer market, the consumption rate remained low, especially in the structure of two yuan in urban economy under the consumption of rural residents is significantly lower than that of urban residents, residents' consumption growth Obviously lagging behind the growth rate of economic growth, which is seriously inconsistent with China's economic development, these are the barriers that China's economic transformation must break through. Therefore, in the critical period of economic and social transformation, it is particularly important to study how fiscal policy affects household consumption.
Whether in theory or from the practical point of view, fiscal expenditure can affect the residents' consumption. In terms of consumption rate in our country economic situation low high savings rate, how to effectively use fiscal spending policy tools to guide the consumer, stimulating economic growth, this paper focuses on the problem of this series of China's fiscal. On social security, health, education, housing and price subsidies expenditure scale is limited, there are many problems, which seriously restrict the urban and rural residents in China. Expected to fundamentally promote consumption, expanding domestic demand, we must improve the financial aspects of these expenditures, reduce the residents of the menace from the rear of life in the future.
This paper mainly through the theoretical research on financial expenditure and consumption, and to explore the mechanism of consumer spending projects, and status quo analysis of residents' consumption and expenditure based on existing data, thereby establishing econometric models to identify different expenditure items influence on household consumption, finally put forward a sound proposal for fiscal expenditure China's policy on the basis of foreign experience, so as to guide the consumption of urban and rural residents to improve the benign.
The main purpose of this paper is to study the influence mechanism of fiscal expenditure on the consumption of residents. The full text is divided into five parts, the main content and the structure are as follows:
The first part is the introduction. The main contents include the economic background and research significance of this topic, the overview of the research at home and abroad, and the innovation and deficiency of this article.
The second part is the analysis of the mechanism of consumer expenditure. Starting from consumer demand and fiscal policy theory, analysis of factors affecting consumer consumption in all kinds of classical theory. Then compare effect of fiscal expenditure in the various schools of western economics on the consumption principle and mechanism, to explore the different effects of different fiscal expenditure on household consumption.
The third part is the practical investigation of residents' consumption and expenditure. Discusses the causes of insufficient consumer demand and the status of China's consumer demand, analysis of the main problems at the present stage of China's fiscal expenditure associated with the consumption. After using the method of empirical analysis, econometric model research on the relationship between China's financial expenditure the project and the consumption of the residents, and finally calculate the related conclusion.
The fourth part is the fiscal expenditure policy in the sample countries to guide consumer and reference. Based on the reference of fiscal expenditure policy to guide the consumer of the sample countries, combined with China's actual situation, the advantages of fiscal expenditure policy to expand consumption abroad, draw inspiration to the fiscal expenditure policy to expand consumption in China's.
The last part is the policy recommendations to guide the consumption expenditure of our country. According to the analysis of the previous fiscal expenditure, it puts forward the targeted fiscal expenditure policy recommendations to guide the consumption of residents in China.



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