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发布时间:2018-03-11 09:51

  本文选题:经济增长 切入点:收入分配 出处:《学术交流》2014年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Chinese after the reform and opening up the economy to maintain sustained growth, the income of residents also correspondingly increase, however, continue to expand the income distribution gap. From the international experience, rapid economic growth in the initial period of time, the income gap will widen, and continued to grow to a certain extent, the income gap will narrow. This is the so-called economic growth and income distribution of the Kuznets inverted U curve. China rapid economic growth has lasted thirty years, but the income gap has not yet appeared a narrowing trend. From the diachronic analysis Chinese economic growth and changes in income distribution and a total of two dimensions, we can draw the following conclusions: economic growth and the income distribution is not a unified mechanism; economic growth and income distribution mechanism appears more and more complicated; economic growth and income distribution in the country The difference is obvious.

【作者单位】: 黑龙江大学教育科学研究院;


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