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发布时间:2018-03-11 10:09

  本文选题:湖北省 切入点:产业转移 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:以外部投资为载体的产业转移是一个具有时间和空间维度的动态变化过程。在不同的历史发展阶段,一些国家和地区通过承接产业转移,创造了一个又一个经济迅速腾飞的神话。20世纪80年代以来,以珠三角和长三角为核心的我国东部沿海地区通过承接产业转移和引进外资,经济保持高速发展,成为促进我国经济腾飞的关键动力。近年来,在国际金融危机的推动下,国际资本和国内沿海产业加速向我国中西部地区转移,中西部正在成为产业转移的热点地区和主战场。在这一轮的产业转移热潮中,与湖南、安徽、重庆等周边省市相比,湖北省大力推进承接产业转移的步伐相对滞后,招商引资工作不尽人意,这显然与湖北省拥有的区位、交通、科教、产业基础等方面的综合优势不相协调。随着这一轮产业转移的深入推进,中西部地区对承接产业转移的争夺战已经进入白热化阶段。因此,如何有效解决承接产业转移过程中遇到的问题和充分发挥自身的竞争优势,抢占承接产业转移的制高点,推动产业结构优化升级,这是湖北省亟需解决的重大问题。 本文以产业转移一般理论和国内外产业转移实践经验为基础,立足于湖北省承接产业转移现状,以翔实的数据对比分析湖北省承接产业转移的优势与劣势,并由此重点探讨湖北省承接产业转移的问题、基本原则和相应对策。文章共分为五大部分。第一部分是导论,主要介绍选题背景和意义、国内外产业转移研究的文献综述。第二部分总结日本、巴西、我国珠三角地区在承接产业转移上的经验和教训,为湖北省承接产业转移提供可借鉴的实践经验。第三部分着重分析湖北省承接产业转移的现状和问题。首先,从外商直接投资和固定资产投资方面阐述承接产业转移现状;然后,在充实的资料基础上,通过与周边省份的对比,评估湖北承接产业转移的综合能力;最后,结合承接产业转移现状与综合能力,深入探讨湖北承接产业转移的问题。第四部分针对湖北省在承接产业转移中存在的问题,提出应坚持的基本原则,并从六方面重点阐述相应的对策建议。第五部分是本文的结论和展望。通过对前面四部分内容进行总结分析,得出本文研究的结论;同时在“黄金十年”背景下,对未来研究进行了展望。
[Abstract]:Industrial transfer with external investment as the carrier is a dynamic process with time and space dimensions. In different stages of historical development, some countries and regions undertake industrial transfer. Since 80s, with the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta as the core, the eastern coastal areas of China have maintained rapid economic development through the transfer of industries and the introduction of foreign capital. In recent years, driven by the international financial crisis, the transfer of international capital and domestic coastal industries to the central and western regions of China has accelerated. The central and western regions are becoming hot spots and main battlefields of industrial transfer. In this round of industrial transfer upsurge, compared with the neighboring provinces and cities such as Hunan, Anhui, Chongqing, and so on, Hubei Province is lagging behind in vigorously promoting the pace of undertaking industrial transfer. The work of attracting investment is unsatisfactory, which obviously does not coordinate with the comprehensive advantages of Hubei Province in terms of location, transportation, science and education, industrial foundation, and so on. With the deepening of this round of industrial transfer, The battle for undertaking industrial transfer in the central and western regions has entered the stage of intense. Therefore, how to effectively solve the problems encountered in the process of undertaking industrial transfer and give full play to its own competitive advantage, and seize the commanding point of undertaking industrial transfer, To promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, this is a major problem that needs to be solved urgently in Hubei Province. Based on the general theory of industrial transfer and the practical experience of industrial transfer at home and abroad, this paper bases on the present situation of undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei Province, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei Province by comparing and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei Province. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic. The second part summarizes the experiences and lessons of Japan, Brazil and China's Pearl River Delta region in undertaking industrial transfer. The third part focuses on analyzing the present situation and problems of undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei Province. Firstly, it expounds the current situation of undertaking industrial transfer from the aspects of foreign direct investment and fixed asset investment. Then, on the basis of substantial data, through the comparison with neighboring provinces, the comprehensive ability of Hubei to undertake industrial transfer is evaluated. Finally, combining the current situation and comprehensive ability of undertaking industrial transfer, In view of the problems existing in undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei Province in 4th, the author puts forward the basic principles that should be adhered to. From six aspects, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are expounded. Part 5th is the conclusion and prospect of this paper. Through the summary and analysis of the contents of the previous four parts, the conclusion of this paper is drawn; at the same time, under the background of "Golden decade", The future research is prospected.


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