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发布时间:2018-03-11 14:15

  本文选题:贫困群体 切入点:贫困线 出处:《北方工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:收入分配问题是宏观经济学中重要的研究内容,经济的发展过程中伴随着收入的增长,而如何使得经济增长的成果有效率且公平地分配到国民手中,是政府和社会都关注的问题。我国的经济伴随着改革开放有了很大的发展,人均收入水平有了很大的提升,然而我们不能忽视的是仍然有一部分群体还没有享受到经济发展应得的成果。不可否认的是,我国的减贫工作有了很大进步,然而仍然有很大的空间有待提升。但是我们应该正视的是,不同的收入阶层的差距在逐步扩大,要缩小收入差距,贫困群体最应该得到关注。本文正是基于此对贫困群体的收入变化状况进行研究分析的。 本文基于CHNS数据库提供的个人收入数据,结合分位数回归法,选取了教育、工作经验、边际工作经验、性别和城乡这五个影响因素构建了我国居民收入分位数回归模型,并对各统计年份的居民收入进行研究。重点关注贫困群体的收入变化状况,发现贫困群体的收入虽然有了数量的提升,但是还是远低于联合国提出的每人每天1美元的贫困线标准,我国贫困群体的生存状况堪忧。进一步运用Machado和Mata的分位数分解法做各因素对收入的影响分解发现,教育和工作经验这两个影响因素的特征效应起作用较大,而边际工作经验,性别和城乡这几个因素的系数效应起主要作用。并且本文依据这些研究所得结果,提出一些相应的提高贫困群体收入,缩小分配不均的政策建议。
[Abstract]:The problem of income distribution is an important research content in macroeconomics. In the process of economic development, it is accompanied by the growth of income, and how to make the fruits of economic growth distribute efficiently and equitably to the hands of the people. It is a problem that the government and society are concerned about. Along with the reform and opening up, China's economy has made great progress, and the level of per capita income has been greatly improved. However, we cannot ignore that there are still some groups that have yet to enjoy the fruits of economic development. Undeniably, the country has made great progress in reducing poverty. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. However, we should face up to the fact that the gap between different income groups is gradually widening and the income gap should be narrowed. The poor groups should be paid more attention. This paper studies and analyzes the income changes of the poor groups. Based on the personal income data provided by CHNS database and the quantile regression method, this paper constructs the income quantile regression model of Chinese residents by selecting five influencing factors: education, work experience, marginal work experience, sex and urban and rural areas. And study the income of residents in each statistical year. Focus on the income changes of the poor groups, and find that the income of the poor groups has increased in quantity. However, it is still far below the poverty line standard of US $1 per person per day proposed by the United Nations, and the living conditions of the poor groups in our country are worrying. Further, we use the quantile decomposition method of Machado and Mata to analyze the effects of various factors on income. The characteristic effects of the two influencing factors, education and work experience, play an important role, while the coefficient effects of marginal work experience, gender and urban and rural factors play a major role. Put forward some corresponding policy recommendations to increase the income of the poor groups and reduce the uneven distribution.


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