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发布时间:2018-03-11 22:32

  本文选题:城市化 切入点:收入分配 出处:《云南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:城市化是伴随着经济社会发展的一种空间集聚现象,一个国家或地区的城市化水平与收入分配有着密切的联系。随着中国经济的飞速发展,经济实力显著增强,居民收入总体水平不断提高,收入分配问题日益凸显,中国已经成为收入不均等状况最为严重的国家之一。而城市化进程滞后是导致收入差距的一个很重要的原因。所以,城市化快速推进已成为社会经济发展的一个重要组成部分。 为考察城市化与收入分配之间的关联机制,研究两者之间的影响效应,本文把规范研究与实证研究、定性分析与定量分析相结合。对城市化与收入分配之间理论机制的分析采用规范研究的方法,对理论机制的检验以及实际效应的预算则采用实证研究的方法。在实证研究中,通过使用面板数据模型对我国2005至2011年城市化进程中城乡收入差距问题进行分析,体现出明显的定量特征。 本文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面:第一部分阐明选题的背景及理论与实际意义,回顾相关内容的研究动态,开展文献综述,通过对已有的文献进行归类,结合已经取得的成果,提出本文中的研究视角、方法、目标,给出此研究的难点、创新和不足之处。 第二部分着重描述城市化与收入分配的理论框架,通过对城市化发展理论、收入分配理论以及收入理论与城市化的关系理论的深入剖析,能够真正理解城市化与收入分配之间确实存在着密切的联系,进而有助于帮助以下章节的形成,对于城市化进程与收入分配之间的分析是必要的。 第三部分利用面板数据模型模型,对2005年以来城市化进程对收入分配差距的缩小程度进行测量、对比分析。本文通过分东中西三个地区分别进行回归发现,在每个地区中城市化进程都会降低城乡收入分配的差距。因而,我们可以预测城市化将会更进一步地降低中西部地区的城乡收入差距。为我国城镇化提供一定的理论指导。从而得出结论,应该加速城市化进程来逐渐减弱收入分配的不平等性。 第四部分对城乡收入差距的原因进行分析。文章的实证部分已经说明城市化确实会在一定程度上可以缩小城乡收入差距,因此缩小城乡差别的途径是加快城市化进程。另外,在推进城市化进程中要针对造成收入差距扩大的原因进行收入分配制度改革,,合理调节收入分配。 第五部分对中国城市化与收入分配之间的关联及影响效应进行总结。从主要结论中得到推进城市化进程,缩小收入分配差距,提高两者协调性的政策启示,提出未来需进一步探讨的方向与政策建议。 本文在借鉴众多学者已有研究成果的基础上,力求在以下几个方面有所创新:(1)研究视角的创新。对城市化与收入分配的关联效应进行理论探讨和实证分析,将城乡收入差距作为收入分配不平等的最重要因素。对城市化与城乡收入差距之间的理论联系与实际效应进行模型推导。(2)研究思路的创新。为研究城市化与收入分配之间的直接联系,城乡收入差距作为一个中介因素,采用面板数据模型模型深入分析城市化与城乡收入差距之间到底存在什么样的数量关系,思路上有所创新。 本文的研究虽然在一定程度上达到预期研究目标,但也存在遗憾与不足。未能从数理形式上推导出收入分配与城乡收入差距之间具体关系;城市化率的进一步提高会不会影响此次面板模型得出的结论,有待进一步的继续考察。
[Abstract]:The city is accompanied by a space of economic and social development of the city agglomeration, the level of a country or region and income distribution are closely linked. With the rapid development of economy Chinese, significantly enhance the economic strength, the overall level of people's income increase, the problem of income distribution has become increasingly prominent, has become one of the most serious China the country's most income inequality. The city urbanization lag is a very important reason leading to the income gap. Therefore, the rapid development of city has become an important part of social economic development.
For the study of the relationship between city and income distribution, the effect of between the two, the normative research and empirical research, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Theoretical analysis on the mechanism between the city and the income distribution using standard research method, to test the theoretical mechanism and the actual effect of the budget the method of empirical research. In the empirical study, the income gap between urban and rural areas in China from 2005 to 2011, the city in the process of using the panel data model analysis, reflect the quantitative characteristics obviously.
The main contents of this paper include the following aspects: the first part explains the background and theoretical and practical significance, research dynamic review of relevant content, to carry out a literature review, were classified based on the existing literature, combining with the achievements, this paper puts forward the research perspective, method, goal, difficult given the study. The innovation and deficiencies.
The second part describes the theoretical framework of city urbanization and income distribution, based on city development theory, theory and in-depth analysis of relationship between the theory of income theory and city of the distribution of income between city and be able to understand the existence of income distribution closely linked, and contribute to the formation of the following sections is to help. Necessary for the analysis process between the city and the distribution of income.
The third part uses the panel data model, measurement of the process of city since 2005 on the income distribution to narrow the gap between the degree of comparative analysis. This paper is divided east and West three regions respectively. Regression analysis showed that in each area in the city urbanization will reduce the income distribution gap. Therefore, we can predict the city will to further reduce the income gap between urban and rural areas in central and western regions. To provide some theoretical guidance for China's urbanization. And draws the conclusion that the city should accelerate the process to decrease the inequality of income distribution.
The fourth part analyzes the reasons of the income gap between urban and rural areas. The empirical part of the article has indicated that the city can narrow the income gap to a certain extent, so the way to narrow the gap between urban and rural is to accelerate the process of city. In addition, in the process of promoting the city to carry out the reform of the income distribution system for the cause of the widening income gap, reasonable adjustment of income distribution.
The fifth part is the summary of the related effect and the influence of Chinese city and income distribution. By promoting the city process from the main conclusion, narrow the income gap, improve the policy implications of the coordination, and puts forward the future directions need to be further explored and policy suggestions.
Based on the number of scholars on the research results, and strive to be innovative in the following areas: (1) the innovation of research perspective. The theoretical study and Empirical Analysis on the correlation effect of city and the distribution of income, the income gap between urban and rural areas as the most important factors of income distribution inequality. The model derivation of the contact theory between the city and the income gap between urban and rural areas and the actual effect. (2) the innovation of research method. As a direct link between the city and the study of the income distribution, income gap between urban and rural areas as a mediating factor, using the panel data model in-depth analysis of the existing number of exactly what kind of relationship between the city and the income gap between urban and rural areas, have innovative ideas.
This study is to achieve the desired objectives in a certain extent, but it also exists some insufficiencies. From the mathematical form derived income distribution and income gap between urban and rural areas to further improve the specific relationship between the city; the rate will not affect the conclusions of the panel model, further to study.



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