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发布时间:2018-03-12 08:44

  本文选题:风暴眼 切入点:李希光 出处:《南风窗》2015年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The United States has fought a local war in the Middle East for more than a decade, and finally withdrew with defeat. China's investment in Libya, Syria, Sudan and Iraq has suffered huge losses. How can China's "Belt and Road" strategy be combined with the actual situation there? Walking through the storm eye of the Middle East and Central Asia requires superb political wisdom. On March 28th, the Chinese government issued a national "Belt and Road" strategic plan entitled "promoting the Development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Vision and Action of the Maritime Silk Road in 21th century." The "Belt and Road" strategy, which has been under heated discussion for more than a year, has entered the formal implementation stage. In connection with this background, the Chinese government has decided to spend a great deal of money to build an economic corridor between China and Pakistan, and to actively intervene in the Afghan situation after the withdrawal of the US military.


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1 本报记者 梁嘉琳;风暴眼中的昆山台商[N];经济观察报;2014年

2 记者 安江 孙瑞军;迪拜有华人逾20万,风暴眼中他们近况如何[N];新华每日电讯;2009年




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