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发布时间:2018-03-13 09:00

  本文选题:FDI 切入点:产业集聚 出处:《外交学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:FDI作为国际资本流动的重要形式,在过去几十年里为北京市的经济发展做出了重要贡献。然而,根据城市功能定位和国际化大都市的发展要求,优化城市空间布局、促进产业结构升级已成为北京市工作的重点,在新的经济发展趋势下,需要重新思考引进外资、利用外资的策略。同时注意到,产业集聚作为区域产业发展的重要特征,不仅大大推动了区域经济发展,也已成为影响FDI区位选择的重要因素。 本文将北京市FDI与产业集聚作为研究对象,运用理论与实证相结合的方法,对两者关系进行了较为系统、深入的研究,在北京市合理利用外资实现发展目标方面具有了一定的指导意义。本文首先对FDI区位选择理论和产业集聚理论进行了综述,并对FDI与产业集聚之间的作用机理进行分析,认为FDI的流入会促进产业集聚的发展而集聚度较高的产业集聚会吸引FDI的持续流入。 在实证研究部分,本文首先对北京市2010年第三产业中13个行业的FDI和产业集聚指数的截面数据进行了回归分析,得出了两者存在较为显著正相关关系的结论。然后选取信息传输、计算机服务和软件业作为代表行业进行了格兰杰因果检验,结论如下:短期内FDI与产业集聚存在单向因果关系,,在长期两者则存在互相促进的相关关系。最后利用实证模型分析,发现FDI示范效应、基础设施情况、产业集聚水平、劳动成本是影响FDI进行区位选择的重要因素。 因此,本文认为北京市应充分利用FDI与产业集聚之间的互动效应,兼顾产业政策和外资政策,在此基础上进行综合决策,从而推进现代化建设,实现跨越式发展,最终达到新时期下北京市发展战略的目的。
[Abstract]:As an important form of international capital flow, FDI has made important contributions to the economic development of Beijing in the past few decades. Promoting the upgrading of industrial structure has become the focus of Beijing's work. Under the new trend of economic development, it is necessary to rethink the strategy of introducing foreign capital and utilizing foreign capital. At the same time, it is noted that industrial agglomeration is an important feature of regional industrial development. It has not only greatly promoted the development of regional economy, but also has become an important factor affecting the location choice of FDI. In this paper, FDI and industrial agglomeration in Beijing are taken as the object of study, and the relationship between them is studied systematically and deeply by using the method of combining theory and practice. It has a certain guiding significance in realizing the development goal of utilizing foreign capital reasonably in Beijing. Firstly, this paper summarizes the theory of FDI location choice and industrial agglomeration, and analyzes the mechanism of the action between FDI and industrial agglomeration. It is concluded that the inflow of FDI will promote the development of industrial agglomeration, while the industrial agglomeration with higher concentration will attract the sustained inflow of FDI. In the empirical research part, this paper first carries on the regression analysis to the FDI and the industrial agglomeration index cross-section data of 13 industries in the tertiary industry of Beijing in 2010. Then we select information transmission, computer service and software industry as the representative industry to carry out Granger causality test. The conclusions are as follows: in the short term, there is a one-way causal relationship between FDI and industrial agglomeration, and in the long run, there is a mutually reinforcing correlation between them. Finally, the empirical model analysis is used to find out the demonstration effect of FDI, the situation of infrastructure and the level of industrial agglomeration. Labor cost is an important factor that affects the location choice of FDI. Therefore, this paper holds that Beijing should make full use of the interactive effect between FDI and industrial agglomeration, give consideration to both industrial policy and foreign investment policy, and make comprehensive decisions on this basis, so as to promote modernization construction and realize leapfrog development. Finally, to achieve the goal of Beijing's development strategy in the new period.


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