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发布时间:2018-03-13 10:07

  本文选题:城市群 切入点:云南省 出处:《云南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:滇中城市群作为云南省最为核心的发展区域,是整个云南省的政治、经济、文化、交通运输等方面的中心,同时滇中城市群作为云南省的产业聚集区、经济增长极,在云南省有着举足轻重的地位。 自云南省城乡建设和住房保障厅出台《滇中城市群规划》报告,滇中城市群建设就此正式提出。本文首先将城市群发展阶段理论、城市群空间集聚扩散理论、城市群产业集群理论等经济学理论进行汇总综述,为整篇文章的写作提供了坚实的理论基础;然后对于国内外范围内的著名城市群做了全面概述与经验总结,为文章之后对于滇中城市群发展与建设的方式路径提供经验借鉴与发展依据。接下来通过经济联系强度、引力模型、熵指数等方法对滇中城市群内部的经济联系与城市群结构特点做了全面系统的分析,归纳概括出了滇中城市群现阶段发展态势。然后借助增长极以及产业集群引力测度等相关理论与方法,分析并论证了滇中城市群在当前自身的空间结构和发展模式下,如何对云南省经济发展产生带动作用以及产生了何种带动作用,带动作用有多强。 通过文章通篇分析与论证,得出滇中城市群现阶段以及未来发展中都将作为云南省最重要的核心地区,其自身内部的经济结构与发展模式都在不断完善与进步,产业集聚力与经济增长极作用比较明显,虽然与发达城市群仍有差距,但滇中城市群的发展速度与进程在不断加快。通过上述内容的分析与论证,最终给出合理的政策建议。
[Abstract]:As the core development region of Yunnan Province, the urban agglomeration in central Yunnan is the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and so on. Meanwhile, as the industrial agglomeration area of Yunnan Province, the urban agglomeration in the middle of Yunnan is the economic growth pole. In Yunnan Province has a pivotal position. Since Yunnan Provincial Bureau of Urban-Rural Construction and Housing Security issued the report "Urban agglomeration Planning in Central Yunnan", the construction of urban agglomeration in Central Yunnan has been formally put forward. Firstly, the theory of urban agglomeration and diffusion of urban agglomeration is put forward in this paper. The theory of urban agglomeration industry cluster and other economic theories are summarized, which provides a solid theoretical basis for the writing of the whole article, and then makes a comprehensive overview and experience summary for the famous urban agglomeration at home and abroad. After the article for the development and construction of urban agglomeration in central Yunnan to provide experience and development of the path of reference and development. Next, through the economic link strength, gravity model, The paper makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the economic relationship and the structural characteristics of the urban agglomeration in central Yunnan by means of entropy index. This paper generalizes the present development situation of the urban agglomeration in central Yunnan, and then analyzes and demonstrates the spatial structure and development mode of the urban agglomeration in the middle of Yunnan with the help of the theories and methods of the growth pole and the gravity measure of the industrial cluster. How to promote the economic development of Yunnan Province, what kind of driving effect and how strong the role is. Through the analysis and argumentation of the whole article, it is concluded that the urban agglomeration in central Yunnan will be the most important core area of Yunnan Province at the present stage and in the future, and its internal economic structure and development mode are constantly improving and progressing. Although there is still a gap between industrial agglomeration and economic growth pole, the development speed and process of urban agglomeration in central Yunnan are accelerating. Through the analysis and demonstration of the above contents, reasonable policy suggestions are put forward.


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