本文选题:青海省 切入点:资源型产业 出处:《青海大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,尤其是西部大开发战略实施以来,青海省的经济发展迅速,作为资源大省,资源型产业在青海省经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位,但是,近些年来由于对资源的过度开采,引发了生态破坏、环境污染等一系列问题,如果放任该种态势继续发展,久而久之,势必影响青海省整体经济的可持续发展。所以,资源型产业应该进行转型,因为资源型产业转型不仅仅是发展低碳经济、循环经济,构建“两型社会”的需要,还是青海省经济全面转型的关键。 文章总共分为六章,第一章主要介绍了本文的写作背景,以及资源型产业相关概念的界定;第二章,阐述了资源型产业转型的理论基础以及国内、外相关理论和实践研究发展情况;第三、四章是本文的主体部分,主要对青海省资源型产业,如煤炭开采洗选业、石油和天然气开采业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、有色金属矿采选业、冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿采洗选业的发展现状进行分析,继而发现青海青资源型产业转型过程中存在观念落后、制度不健全、市场化程度低、产业结构不合理、环境污染严重、人才匮乏、科技创新能力差等问题。第五章,针对上述问题,提出了青海省实现资源型产业转型的对策建议,如转变落后的发展观念、加强制度创新能力,提高市场化程度、选择合理的发展模式、发展低碳经济、循环经济、提高科技创新能力等。 文章希望通过对青海省资源型产业转型的分析研究,找出一种适合西部地区资源型产业转型的发展模式和策略,并希望对青海省资源型产业的转型发展以及其他省份资源型产业的发展提供参考。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, especially since the implementation of the western development strategy, Qinghai Province's economy has developed rapidly. As a large resource province, resource-based industries play a pivotal role in the economic development of Qinghai Province, but, In recent years, the overexploitation of resources has caused a series of problems, such as ecological destruction, environmental pollution and so on. If this situation is allowed to continue to develop, over time, it will inevitably affect the sustainable development of the overall economy of Qinghai Province. The transformation of resource-based industries should be carried out because the transformation of resource-based industries is not only the need of developing low-carbon economy, circular economy and building a "two-oriented society", but also the key to the overall transformation of Qinghai economy. The first chapter mainly introduces the background of this paper and the definition of resource-based industry, the second chapter expounds the theoretical basis of resource-based industry transformation and domestic. The third, fourth chapter is the main part of this paper, mainly for Qinghai resource-based industries, such as coal mining and washing industry, oil and natural gas mining industry, ferrous metal smelting and calender processing industry, Based on the analysis of the present development situation of non-metallic ore mining and dressing industry, smelting and calender processing industry, and non-metal ore mining and washing industry, it is found that in the process of transformation of Qinghai green resource industry, the concept is backward, the system is not perfect, and the degree of marketization is low. The industrial structure is unreasonable, the environment pollution is serious, the talented person is short, the science and technology innovation ability is poor and so on. Chapter 5th, in view of the above problems, put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to realize the transformation of the resource-based industry in Qinghai Province, such as changing the backward concept of development. Strengthen the ability of institutional innovation, improve the degree of marketization, choose a reasonable development model, develop low-carbon economy, circular economy, and improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. This paper hopes to find out a development model and strategy suitable for the transformation of resource-based industries in western China through the analysis and study of the transformation of resource-based industries in Qinghai Province. It also hopes to provide reference for the transformation and development of resource-based industries in Qinghai and other provinces.
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