本文选题:劳动力外流 切入点:村域经济发展 出处:《重庆师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:关于村域劳动外流的理论研究,国内外学者都有许多由浅入深的研究,无论是在理论探索还是实证分析方面,都取得了丰硕的研究成果。由于村域劳动力外流具有历史性、地域性、实践性等的特点,各位学者站在不同的角度,研究各个国家、各个地区的实际情况,得出了相关的结论,提出了许多可贵的意见和建议,为某些地区政府和国家解决了不少问题。 关于村域劳动力流动的理论研究的历史因追溯自上世纪中期,从刘易斯-拉尼斯-费的古典模型,乔根森以及托达罗的新古典模型,再到拉克西特的凯恩斯主义模型,以这些奠基性的理论为基础,并以这些里程碑式的研究为标志和线索。后起研究者在该领域进行了更深入的研究,大多将关注的焦点和重点绝大多数在村域劳动力向外流动对迁入地——城市的经济以及社会的影响上,而对于劳动力流出地村的影响研究少。因此,本文针对人们相对忽视的这一领域,进行了探索与研究,着重阐述村域劳动力外流对村域经济发展带来哪些影响。由于我国目前依然是个农业大国,“三农”问题依然是我国政府关注的重点,而村域劳动力外流导致劳动力短缺、空心村、留守老人妇女儿童等一系列社会问题,它关系到我国城市化进程的步伐的加快,也关系到我国农业现代化的实现,还关系到我国的新村域建设,更关系到社会的和谐与稳定。在未来较长的一段时期内,我国村域依然处于劳动力过剩的状态,他们将继续流动,也将会给村域的经济社会带来不确定的影响。而政府应采取怎样的措施积极应对这些不利的因素的影响,就是本文研究的价值所在。 本文主要采用理论分析与案例分析相结合的研究方法,,在具体介绍样本村劳动力向外流动的两种模式对不同地域的村庄经济社会发展的影响,样本村是本文的一个例证,着重点在提出,村域劳动力向外流动不积极引导和疏导将导致偏远山区村没落的趋势,而合理的进行劳动力内部流动消化是拯救村庄的唯一途径。
[Abstract]:There are a lot of researches on the theory of rural labor outflow both at home and abroad, both in theoretical exploration and empirical analysis, which have made a lot of research results.Because of the historical, regional and practical characteristics of the outflow of rural labor, the scholars stand at different angles to study the actual situation in various countries and regions, and draw relevant conclusions.Many valuable opinions and suggestions have been put forward, and many problems have been solved for some regional governments and countries.The history of the theoretical research on rural labor mobility dates back to the middle of the last century, from the classical model of Louis-Lanis-Fay, the new classical model of Jorgensen and Todaro, to the Keynesian model of Laksett.On the basis of these fundamental theories, and with these landmark research as the symbol and clue.Later researchers have carried out more in-depth research in this field. Most of the focus and focus will be on the economic and social impact of the outward migration of rural labor.However, there is little research on the impact of the labor force outflow from the villages.Therefore, this article aims at this field which people relatively ignore, has carried on the exploration and the research, emphatically elaborated the village area labor force outflow to the village economic development which brings the influence.As our country is still a large agricultural country, the "three rural" issues are still the focus of our government's attention, and the outflow of rural labor forces leads to a series of social problems, such as labor shortage, hollow villages, elderly women and children left behind.It is related to the acceleration of the process of urbanization in China, the realization of agricultural modernization, the construction of new villages, and the harmony and stability of the society.In a long period of time in the future, the village area of our country is still in the state of labor surplus, they will continue to flow, and will bring uncertain influence to the economy and society of the village area.What kind of measures should the government take to deal with the influence of these unfavorable factors is the value of this paper.This article mainly uses the research method which the theory analysis and the case analysis unifies, in the concrete introduction sample village labor force outward flow two kinds of patterns to the village economic and social development of the different region influence, the sample village is an example of this article.The main point of this paper is to point out that not actively guiding and channeling the rural labor force outward will lead to the decline of remote mountain villages, and reasonable internal labor flow digestion is the only way to save the villages.
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