本帖最后由 snxl 于 2010-11-13 19:28 编辑
【分 类 号】F10
【分 类 名】国民经济管理
【英文标题】Changes of Industrial Structure and Technical Progress in China's Economic Growth
【作 者】刘伟/张辉
【作者简介】刘伟,张辉,北京大学经济学院。(北京 100871)
【摘 要 题】产业发展
【英文摘要】This article empirically measures the effect of structural change of industries on China's economic growth compared to the impact of technical advance on China's economic growth, using decomposed expressions of labor productivity and total factor productivity. The study illustrates that the impact of structural effect on the economic growth is decreasing during the thirty years since China's economic reform in 1978, gradually exceeded by the impact of technical advance, which means that technical advance will play a more important role than market mechanism in the future. However, our study also indicates the decreasing of the impact of structural change on economic isn't equivalent to the disappearance of gains from market reform. Some of the institutional and developmental factors retard the improvement of allocative efficiency. In this perspective, China still has a great deal to improve the efficiency of market mechanism.
【关 键 词】产业结构变迁/技术进步/经济增长