发布时间:2018-04-17 20:12
本文选题:文化强国 + 区域无序竞争 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:区域经济发展存在无序竞争、非均衡发展、不可持续发展等困境,这固然是政府的困境、市场的困境,但最根本的是人的困境,而人区别于动物的根本标志是文化。—个民族的复兴必然伴随着文化的繁荣,—个国家的强盛定然离不开文化的支撑。国与国之间的竞争终究是文化内核的较量。文化成为观察、分析和解决区域经济发展困境的独特视角。从文化视阈研究区域经济问题是广义区域经济学研究的题中应有之义,体现了区域经济学作为应用性学科经邦济世的功用。论文立足于文化强国战略视阈,运用整体论方法,深入挖掘经济学文化内涵,展示区域经济发展现实图景,追寻区域经济发展困境根源,探求区域发展困境消解的策略与超现代化路径。无论是现实的爬梳还是理论的探讨,最根本的关注点在于剖析发展困境背后的文化成因,并借助古人智慧赋予经济学“经邦济世”的价值目的,从而判定区域经济发展超现代化路向的现实意义以及为人生幸福的终极追求。 论文包括绪论和结语在内共有八部分,主要内容有六章。 第一章,在对区域经济相关研究综述的基础上,主要对国内外的区域经济理论进行了评析,对区域、经济、区域经济、发展、区域经济发展等基本概念进行了梳理总结,为下文的规范分析研究做了铺垫。 第二章,确立区域经济发展研究的文化视阈。在论述文化与文化强国战略、文化与区域经济发展的基础上,确立了研究区域经济发展的文化视阈。在对教育、道德、公正、人道等4个原则内涵梳理的基础上,探讨了这4个原则对区域经济发展的意义,对实现共同幸福的支撑作用。 第三章,论述了区域无序竞争困境及文化成因。在呈现区域无序竞争困境的基础上,对无序竞争进行了经济学分析,并挖掘了无序竞争困境的文化成因,主要从达尔文进化论的误读、“更高、更快、更强”理念的误区、企业家精神的不足、教育对竞争意识的培养、比经济危机更可怕的心灵危机、有限责任公司和有限责任效应、区域专注力的退化等7个方面进行了剖析。 第四章,论述了区域非均衡发展困境及其文化成因,在呈现非均衡发展现状的基础上,对非均衡发展困境进行了经济学分析,并挖掘了非均衡发展的文化成因,主要从经济学化约论哲学基础的误区、我国古代动态均衡原则的遗弃、区域间教育事业发展的不平衡、经济伦理道德失范等4个方面进行了解读。 第五章,论述了区域不可持续发展困境及其文化成因。在呈现不可持续发展现状的基础上,对不可持续发展困境进行了经济学分析,并挖掘了不可持续发展困境的文化成因,主要从现代化及后现代化的影响、社会思潮泛滥、人定胜天的文化误读、因果理念的缺乏、以人为本的文化误解、帕累托最优的误用、经济增长与经济发展混用、教育在经济伦理中的缺位、宣传媒体的异化、慈善理念的欠缺、经济学教育教学改革滞后等11个方面进行了解读。 第六章,论述了区域经济发展困境的消解策略。主要从推进区域文化继承创新、坚持经济可持续发展、加强生态环境保护、完善社会治理、重构经济学核心价值体系5个方面对区域发展困境消解提出了政策建议。其中区域文化继承创新、经济可持续发展、生态环境保护、完善社会治理是实现共同幸福的四个向度。在本章进一步阐述了以共同幸福作为区域经济发展的目的,,以重构核心价值体系的超现代化作为实现共同幸福的路径,现代化经由发展物质文明带来富裕,而超现代化经由重构核心价值体系而带来幸福,超现代化源于现代化又超越现代化,并可以指导现代化。并指出,可持续发展和生活幸福不能仅建立在经济财富上,而应更多地立足于精神领域,发展中道经济,减少欲望,增加现实满意度。
[Abstract]:The development of the regional economy is disorderly competition, unbalanced development, sustainable development and other difficulties, it is government's predicament, the plight of the market, but the most fundamental is the plight of the people, and the fundamental difference between people and animal is a revival of national culture. - must be accompanied by the prosperity of a nation. The strong certainly cannot do without the support of culture. The competition between countries is ultimately cultural core contest. Culture has become the unique perspective of observation, analysis and solve the dilemma of regional economic development. From a cultural perspective of regional economy is the proper meaning of generalized regional economics research topics, reflects the regional economics as the application of discipline by the state to serve the function. Based on the strategic perspective of cultural power, using the integrated approach, in-depth excavation of the cultural connotation of economics, to show the reality of regional economic development prospect, pursue economic development zone Show the plight of the root causes, to explore the regional development strategy of the plight of digestion and super path of modernization. Whether it is reality or through theoretical discussion, the most fundamental concern is the cultural reasons behind analysis of the development dilemma, and with the wisdom of the ancients to give the value of economics "by the state to serve the purpose, to determine the significance of regional economic development in the ultra modern the direction and ultimate pursuit of happiness in life.
There are eight parts in this paper, including the introduction and the conclusion, and the main contents are six chapters.
In the first chapter, based on the review of the relevant researches on regional economy, the regional economic theories at home and abroad are reviewed, and the basic concepts such as region, economy, regional economy, development and regional economic development are summarized, which lays a foundation for the following normative analysis and research.
The second chapter, the establishment of a cultural perspective in the study of regional economic development. In the discussion of strategic culture and cultural power, basic culture and regional economic development, the establishment of the cultural perspective of regional economic development. In the education, morality, justice, humanity based on carding the connotation of the 4 principles, discusses the significance of the 4 the principle of regional economic development, supporting role in achieving common happiness.
The third chapter discusses the plight of regional disorderly competition and cultural causes. Based on the present regional disorderly competition predicament, the disorderly competition in the economic analysis, and explores the cultural causes the dilemma of disorderly competition, mainly from the misreading of Darwin's theory of evolution, "higher, faster, stronger misunderstanding" idea, lack of entrepreneur the spirit of the cultivation of competitive consciousness education, more terrible than the economic crisis, spiritual crisis, the limited liability company and the limited liability effect, regional concentration degradation of the 7 aspects of the analysis.
The fourth chapter discusses the unbalanced regional development dilemma and its cultural causes, based on the present development status of the non balanced and non balanced development of the plight of the economic analysis, and explores the cultural causes of the unbalanced development of the region, mainly from the economics about error on philosophical basis, in ancient China, the principle of dynamic equilibrium of the abandoned no, the balance of the regional educational development, 4 aspects of economic ethic morality anomie of the interpretation.
The fifth chapter discusses the regional sustainable development dilemma and its cultural causes. Based on the present sustainable development status, the plight of the sustainable development from the perspective of economics, culture and causes trouble mining sustainable development, mainly from the modernization and modernization of social thoughts spread, cultural misreading Rendingshengtian the concept of causality, the lack of cultural misunderstanding, people-oriented, misuse of the Pareto optimal, economic growth and economic development mix, in the absence of education in economic ethics, the alienation of media publicity, the lack of charity concept, the 11 aspects of teaching reform of economics education lags behind the interpretation.
The sixth chapter discusses the dilemma of regional economic development strategies. From the inheritance and innovation to promote regional culture, adhere to sustainable economic development, strengthen environmental protection, improve social governance, 5 aspects of reconstructing the core value system of regional economics development dilemma resolution put forward policy suggestion. The regional culture inheritance and innovation, the sustainable development of economy. The protection of the ecological environment, improve social governance is to realize the common well-being of four dimensions. In this chapter further elaborates on common happiness as a regional economic development, to achieve common happiness as ultra modern path reconstruction core value system, through the development of modern material civilization brings prosperity, and ultra modern reconstruction via core value system and bring happiness, ultra modern derives from modern and beyond modernization, and can guide the modernization. And pointed out that the sustainable development and The happiness of life is not only based on economic wealth, but should be more based on the spiritual field, the development of the middle economy, the reduction of desire, and the increase of real satisfaction.
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