发布时间:2018-04-28 23:39
本文选题:河南省 + 区域产业转移 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国加入WTO之后,国内市场对外开放的程度进一步加大,在比较优势的驱动下,国外产业向我国进行了大量的产业转移,涉及的领域越来越广泛;与此同时,我国内部区域间也在进行结构调整和产业转移。以2008年的美国债务危机为契机,东部省份为保持经济持续发展、获取经济利润,把一些劳动密集型产业、初级加工产业和能源消耗大的产业向中西部地区进行产业转移。 在这样的经济发展背景下,河南省作为我国中部地区经济社会发展的重要组成部分和国家区域内产业转移的重要承接地,河南省产业转移承接的效益成果和经济发展状况对国家整体的经济社会发展有着举足轻重的影响。因此,仔细深入地研究河南省承接区域产业转移的具体情况,明确产业转移的效益影响和困难问题,并在此基础上进一步提出河南省在承接区域产业转移当中的策略对策,具有重要的学术研究价值和现实指导意义。 本文以河南省为例,采用定性分析和定量分析、实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,依据区域经济学、产业经济学的相关理论,主要对河南省产业转移承接的实际状况和内在机制进行研究分析,以此为思路开展论述;并通过对对产业转移的动因、模式和效应等相关理论研究做了理论综述研究,作为理论基础。 首先是河南省承接产业转移的现状分析。对河南省经济社会基本状况进行概况总结,从产业结构和产业集聚的角度,对河南省经济发展进行了概况综述;接着对河南省承接产业转移的现状进行了总结分析;最后运用SWOT分析方法对河南省产业经济状况和产业承接状况进行了经济分析,分列归纳了河南省承接产业转移的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。这样对河南省产业转移的现状进行了经济分析,对承接产业转移对策的提出提供了思路基础。 接着是河南省承接产业转移的机制分析。依据现状分析,接着对产业转移承接的内在机制进行了动因和效应分析:在动因分析中,分析了产业转移的客观背景和作为承接主体的河南省在承接产业中进行产业结构转型升级的主动性诱导因素,而且,在产业发展中人力成本上升也是促进产业转移的重要影响因素;在效应分析中,从产业集聚、产业结构和产业关联带动三个方面,对河南省承接产业转移带来的效应进行了经济分析;最后,以机制分析为基础对承接产业转移中存在的主要问题进行了归纳总结,对软硬环境条件,区域内产业配套能力,转移载体的承接功能,劳动力资源结构,,以及技术创新能力等方面的欠缺的揭示,从内在机制上分析了影响河南省承接产业转移的因素,为对策的提出给予内在机理上的支持。 然后是依据上文的分析研究,提出了河南省在承接产业转移中可以依据的转移原则、重点以及承接产业转移的一些具体对策,积极发挥政府职能,引导产业合理转移;优化产业结构;充分发展集聚经济;增强持续发展能力,进行技术学习和创新;合理选择招商载体,有效利用资金;发展教育培训,建立智力支撑体系;合理开发,注意环境保护和可持续。 最后是对全文的研究的主要结论给予总结,提出进一步需要进行研究的问题,有待对产业转移中的具体问题进行定量模型分析,对个别典型县域的产业转移承接或微观个体案例,进行长期考察研究,并在实证上做出分析研究。 借以承接产业转移现状的SWOT分析和产业转移动因、产业转移效应的内在机制的深入阐释,对产业转移中存在问题的归纳总结,最终给出河南省承接产业转移的具体对策。以期能够对于现实经济发展有所裨益,实现有原则、有重点地循序渐式推进河南省转移产业的承接建设。
[Abstract]:With China ' s entry into WTO , the domestic market is more open to the outside world . Under the driving of comparative advantage , the foreign industry has carried out a great deal of industrial transfer to our country , and the related fields are more and more extensive ;
At the same time , China ' s internal regions are also undergoing structural adjustment and industrial transfer . In 2008 , the U.S . debt crisis is an opportunity . The eastern provinces will maintain sustained economic development , acquire economic profits , and transfer some industries with labor - intensive industries , primary processing industries and energy consumption to the Midwest .
In the background of such economic development , Henan Province , as an important part of the economic and social development in the central region of our country and the important undertaking of industrial transfer in the country , has an important influence on the overall economic and social development of the country .
Based on the theory of regional economics and industrial economics , this paper analyzes the actual situation and internal mechanism of industrial transfer in Henan Province by means of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , empirical analysis and normative analysis .
This paper makes a theoretical review and research on the motivation , mode and effect of industrial transfer as the theoretical basis .
Firstly , this paper analyzes the status quo of the industrial transfer in Henan Province , summarizes the basic situation of the economy and society of Henan Province , and summarizes the economic development of Henan Province from the angle of industrial structure and industrial agglomeration .
Secondly , the present situation of industrial transfer in Henan Province is summarized and analyzed .
At last , SWOT analysis method is applied to analyze the industrial economic situation and industrial undertaking situation of Henan Province , and the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and challenges of the industrial transfer in Henan Province are summarized , and the present situation of industrial transfer in Henan Province is analyzed .
This paper analyzes the internal mechanism of industrial transfer based on the analysis of current situation , analyzes the objective background of industrial transfer and the initiative inducing factor of industrial structure transformation and upgrading in the undertaking industry , and also plays an important role in promoting industrial transfer in the industry development .
In the analysis of effects , three aspects are driven from industrial agglomeration , industrial structure and industry association , and economic analysis is carried out on the effect of industrial transfer in Henan Province ;
Finally , based on the mechanism analysis , the paper summarizes the main problems existing in the industrial transfer , and analyzes the factors that affect the industrial transfer in Henan Province from the internal mechanism , and gives the support of the internal mechanism for the countermeasures .
Secondly , according to the above analysis , this paper puts forward some specific countermeasures which can be based on the transfer of industrial transfer in Henan Province .
optimizing the industrial structure ;
Full development of agglomeration economy ;
Enhancing sustainable development capacities for technological learning and innovation ;
Reasonable choice of the investment carrier and the effective utilization of funds ;
Development of education training and the establishment of an intellectual support system ;
reasonably develop , pay attention to environmental protection and sustainable development .
At last , the author summarizes the main conclusions of the whole research , puts forward some problems which need to be studied further , and carries out quantitative model analysis on the specific problems in industrial transfer , and carries out a long - term study on the industrial transfer and micro - individual cases of individual typical counties , and makes an empirical analysis .
Based on the SWOT analysis of the current situation of industrial transfer , the deep interpretation of the intrinsic mechanism of industrial transfer and the transfer of industry , the author summarizes the existing problems in industrial transfer , and finally gives the concrete countermeasures for the industrial transfer in Henan Province .
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