本文选题:经济发展 + 环境保护 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:From birth to now, all human activities and nature are closely linked, the two are inseparable. With the sustainable development of human society, human activities maintain a continuous increase, the activities of the development and transformation of nature are also increasing, which has led to the emergence of contradictions between human society and nature. That is, there is a conflict between all kinds of economic and social activities carried out by human beings and the ecological balance of nature, which runs through the whole process of the development of human society and becomes a universal contradiction. The concrete manifestation of this contradiction is that human economic activities are a kind of growth mechanism, economic development has unlimited demand for resources and environment, but ecosystems and resources and environment are stable mechanisms. The environment and resources available are limited. On the one hand, human society is bound to pursue the sustained economic growth in the process of continuous development, on the other hand, the ecosystem needs to maintain balance and stability. In particular, human beings have made breakthroughs in science and technology, the industrial revolution has deepened, the population has continued to grow, the level of productive forces of human society has maintained a continuous improvement, and a predatory mode of economic growth has been adopted. In order to meet the needs of current economic development, the ecological environment has been sacrificed, which has led to the emergence and upgrading of the contradiction between economic development and ecological environment. At present, this contradiction has become a relatively serious problem. In order to maintain further development in the future, human society must face this problem and find solutions. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world, China's economy has maintained steady and sustained growth for many years, and it has made remarkable achievements. At present, China has become the second largest economy in the world, and the comprehensive strength of the country has been significantly enhanced. In the international economic structure in the status and role is also greatly enhanced. However, while the economic development has made remarkable achievements, China has also appeared the problems of resources and environmental protection. All kinds of resources have been depleted day by day, air pollution and water pollution have become prominent. Haze, The weather, such as sandstorms, has had a serious impact on people's lives. If we do not pay attention to the problem of resources and environmental protection and let it develop freely, then the future situation will be further worsened and will inevitably have an impact on economic development. The Chinese government has also fully recognized this problem and has raised the issue of coordination between economic development and environmental protection to the level of national strategy, which has become an important part of China's development. Based on this background, this paper hopes to study the coordination between economic development and environmental protection, and to find solutions to the problems. In order to have a deep understanding of this problem, this paper not only makes a theoretical analysis of the coordination between economic development and environmental protection, but also generalizes the coordination between economy and environment in China. At the same time, it also introduces the international experience of coordinated development of economy and environment. After the previous analysis, the paper also puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the coordination between economic development and environmental protection, which has certain reference value for China's future economic development and environmental protection. At the same time, the coordination between economic development and environmental protection is a common problem faced by various countries and regions, so the study of this paper also has universal reference value.
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