本文选题:广西贫困地区 + 主导产业 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国广大贫困地区经济社会发展比较落后,其中一个主要原因就是产业发展相对滞后。我国贫困地区的产业发展现状己经对贫困地区的生存环境和社会经济的可持续发展构成了威胁,也对我国全面建成小康社会造成了巨大阻碍。因地制宜地选择适合贫困地区发展的主导产业,推动贫困地区产业发展,是确保贫困地区脱贫致富、实现贫困地区产业和经济可持续发展的关键。在这样的背景下,本文结合广西贫困地区的自然资源条件和产业发展现状,运用主导产业选择理论研究广西贫困地区主导产业的选择问题,探讨广西贫困地区产业发展的有效途径。 本文首先运用文献分析法,总结国内外关于区域主导产业选择的研究,在前人研究的基础上,提出本文的研究方向和重点。对贫困地区和主导产业的内涵和特征作出界定,介绍主导产业选择的相关理论基础,进而介绍贫困地区主导产业选择的一般原则和基准。其次,运用数据分析法对广西贫困地区产业发展现状进行总结,指出广西贫困地区产业发展过程中存在的问题。再次,采用实证分析方法利用Eviews6.0软件对广西贫困地区主导产业的选择进行研究,认为适合广西贫困地区发展的主导产业应当从第一和第二产业中进行选择,同时也选择了农业、林业、畜牧业和食品制造及烟草加工业、非金属矿物制品业、住宿和餐饮业、批发和零售业等产业作为重点培育的主导产业。最后,对第一、二、三产业中符合广西贫困地区发展实际的主导产业提出发展战略,给出广西贫困地区主导产业发展的对策建议。
[Abstract]:The economic and social development of the vast poor areas in China is relatively backward, one of the main reasons is that the industrial development is relatively lagging behind. The present situation of industrial development in the poverty-stricken areas in China has posed a threat to the survival environment and the sustainable development of the social economy in the poverty-stricken areas, and has also caused great obstacles to the building of a well-off society in an all-round way in our country. To select the leading industries suitable for the development of the poverty-stricken areas according to local conditions and to promote the industrial development in the poverty-stricken areas are the keys to ensure the poverty-stricken areas to get rid of poverty and become rich and to realize the sustainable development of the industries and the economy in the poverty-stricken areas. Under this background, this paper studies the selection of leading industries in poor areas of Guangxi by using the theory of leading industry selection, combining with the natural resource conditions and the current situation of industrial development in the poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi. This paper discusses the effective ways of industrial development in poor areas of Guangxi. In this paper, first of all, literature analysis is used to summarize the domestic and foreign research on the choice of regional leading industries. On the basis of previous studies, the research direction and focus of this paper are put forward. This paper defines the connotation and characteristics of the poor areas and leading industries, introduces the theoretical basis of the choice of the leading industries, and then introduces the general principles and benchmarks of the choice of the leading industries in the poor areas. Secondly, the paper summarizes the current situation of industrial development in the poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi by means of data analysis, and points out the problems existing in the process of industrial development in the poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi. Thirdly, using the Eviews6.0 software to study the choice of leading industries in the poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi, the author thinks that the leading industries suitable for the development of the poverty-stricken areas in Guangxi should be selected from the first and second industries, and the agriculture is also chosen. Forestry, animal husbandry and food manufacturing and tobacco processing industries, non-metallic mineral products, accommodation and catering, wholesale and retail industries as the focus of cultivation of leading industries. Finally, the development strategy of the leading industries in the first, second and third industries in line with the actual development of the poverty-stricken areas in Guangxi is put forward, and the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the leading industries in the poverty-stricken areas of Guangxi are given.
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