发布时间:2018-05-11 08:22
本文选题:兴边富民行动 + 绩效评估 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:21世纪伊始,党中央、国务院发起了一场以民富边兴、国强邻睦为主旨的兴边富民行动,各级地方政府积极组织实施,广泛动员全社会积极参与疆建设工程,增加边境地区基础设施建设资金投入、扶持贫困地区广大边民生产生活以改变中国边境地区经济社会发展落后状态和解决边疆各族群众生产生活面临的困难使边疆地区生产力尽快发展起来、广大边民生活尽早富裕起来。 兴边富民行动是新闻媒体、党政部门和学术机构关注的对象:中国媒体向来关注兴边富民行动的实施情况,为了解其推进的具体情况,《中国民族》杂志在国家民委有关部门支持下开设了创办50年来规模最大的系列报道栏目——《兴边富民行动·走读边境中国》;边疆各级政府尤为重视边境地区经济社会发展状况,兴边富民行动实施成效是一年一度政府工作报告及诸多党政领导调研报告中关注的话题;学术界针对兴边富民行动实施过程中出现的问题召开了诸如中国民族理论学会第十次学术研讨会(2001年)、兴边富民行动理论和实践学术研讨会(2009年)等重要学术会议对兴边富民行动实施情况进行了研讨,以期为加快推进兴边富民行动提出政策调整方面的意见和建议,有研究者针对边境具体地区兴边富民行动实施绩效还进行过专门探讨。但总体而言,以综合评价模型来研究兴边富民行动绩效的做法明显不足,必须加强这方面的理论探讨和实践摸索。 本研究以《兴边富民行动“十一五”规划》为依据在明确界定兴边富民行动政策绩效内涵和结构基础上运用分析法建构兴边富民行动绩效多指标评估体系,经专家赋权法确定各项评估指标的权数后再查阅统计年鉴、年鉴、国民经济和社会发展统计公报和政府工作报告等官方资料采集评估指标数据最终确立了内蒙古“十一五”兴边富民行动绩效综合评价模型。对内蒙古边境旗市兴边富民行动实施效果进行加权指数计算和分析结果显示:一,各旗市间的综合绩效水平存在着较大的差距,二,各旗市一级指标绩效间均存在着不平衡性——都存在着这样或那样的不足,三,兴边富民行动绩效综合指数是多种因素共同作用的结果,包括基础设、人民生活、社会事业、经济发展、对外贸易、生态环境和安定团结等方面,只有统筹兼顾全面协调发展才能提高综合得分。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the 21st century, the Party Central Committee and the State Council launched a campaign to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people with the aim of making the people rich and prosperous, and the local governments at all levels actively organized the implementation and extensively mobilized the whole society to take an active part in the Xinjiang construction project. To increase investment in infrastructure construction in border areas, To support the production and life of the vast number of frontier people in poor areas in order to change the backward state of economic and social development in the border areas of China and to solve the difficulties faced by the people of all nationalities in the frontier areas, the productive forces in the frontier areas will develop as soon as possible. The broad masses of the border people became rich as soon as possible. The action of rejuvenating the border and enriching the people is the focus of the news media, the party and government departments and academic institutions: the Chinese media have always paid attention to the implementation of the action to rejuvenate and enrich the people along the border. In order to understand the specific situation of its advancement, the magazine, with the support of the relevant departments of the State people's Commission, set up the largest series of reporting columns since its founding 50 years ago-"the Operation of prospering the Frontier and enriching the people on the Frontier China." The state of economic and social development in the border areas is of particular importance to the government at the second level. The implementation effect of the action to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people is a topic of concern in the annual government work report and many party and government leaders' research reports. The academic community held important academic conferences such as the 10th Symposium of the Chinese Society of Ethnological Theory (2001) and the academic Seminar on the Theory and practice of enriching the people (2009) in response to the problems arising from the implementation of the action to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people. On the implementation of the action to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people, In order to speed up the promotion of the action of rejuvenating the border and enriching the people, some researchers have also made a special discussion on the performance of the implementation of the action of rejuvenating the border and enriching the people in specific areas of the border. But in general, the comprehensive evaluation model to study the action performance of enriching the people is obviously insufficient, so we must strengthen the theoretical discussion and practical exploration in this area. Based on the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", this study uses the analysis method to construct a multi-index evaluation system on the basis of defining clearly the connotation and structure of the policy performance of the action to rejuvenate and enrich the people. To consult the statistical yearbook after determining the weights of the evaluation indicators through the expert empowerment method, The official data collection and evaluation index data such as the statistics bulletin of national economic and social development and the government work report have finally established the comprehensive evaluation model of Inner Mongolia's "11th Five-Year Plan" action to enrich the people. The results of weighted index calculation and analysis on the effect of implementing the action of rejuvenating the border and enriching the people in the border city of Inner Mongolia show that: first, there is a big gap in the level of comprehensive performance among the flag cities; second, There is an imbalance between the performance of each flag and city level indicators-all of them are deficient in one way or another. Third, the comprehensive performance index of enriching the people along the border is the result of a combination of many factors, including infrastructure, people's livelihood, and social undertakings. In the aspects of economic development, foreign trade, ecological environment and stability and unity, only comprehensive and coordinated development can improve the comprehensive score.
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1 ;中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定[J];求是;2006年20期
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1 边香顺;吉林省“兴边富民行动”研究[D];延边大学;2010年