本文选题:会展产业 + 区域经济发展 ; 参考:《学术交流》2014年05期
[Abstract]:Both the party's 18th National Congress and this year's "two sessions" government work report mentioned that China's industrial structure should be readjusted, the service industry should be vigorously developed, the industrial structure should be upgraded, and economic growth should be driven by strengthening domestic demand. Exhibition industry and regional economic development are closely linked, the two complement each other and promote each other. The level of regional economic development determines the strength of the development of exhibition industry, and the development of exhibition industry is also an important growth pole of regional economic development, which has a strong driving effect on the development of regional economy. However, in practice, the development of the exhibition industry is faced with many problems. Under the guidance of the Party's 18th National Congress and the macro-policies of the CPC Central Committee's "two sessions" this year, it is necessary to improve the exhibition management system, cultivate and activate the exhibition enterprises, and integrate regional exhibition resources. Four aspects of the construction of exhibition service system focus on the strategy of promoting the exhibition industry to the regional economic development, which provides some reference for the exhibition industry to promote the regional economic development.
【作者单位】: 天津科技大学应用文理学院;
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