本文选题:3E系统 + 3E系统分析 ; 参考:《安徽工业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:3E系统即能源-经济-环境系统,进入20世纪90年代,发达国家在总结20世纪频繁发生的环境危机、能源危机给国家发展所带来的巨大经济损失时,创造性地提出这一概念。它的出现标志着人们开始从系统的角度研究能源、经济与环境的动态关联性,而不再是割裂地看待能源、经济与环境这三大领域的发展。当前各国均致力于研究3E系统协调运行问题,其目的在于能够主动认识并利用各子系统间及其与外部环境之间的复杂关系,控制协调好各子系统之间的协调发展,从而实现3E系统整体的协调运行目标。 考虑到我国地域辽阔,区域之间在发展阶段、产业结构、人口总量以及资源禀赋等方面均存在较大差异,故以国家为3E系统的主要研究对象显然不具有较高的实用价值。本文选择中部近年发展较快的安徽省作为唯一研究对象,针对安徽省的发展目标、发展阶段、能源禀赋、产业政策等特征,分析安徽省目前3E系统的运行现状,评价安徽省3E系统总体以及子系统之间的协调程度,并根据系统的环境属性寻找影响其协调运行的可能因素,,从而提出系统协调发展的有效对策。实证分析结果表明,在2000-2011年间,安徽省3E系统整体协调程度不高,2011年尽管这一指标已上升到近6年最高值0.770,但仍处于中度协调态;系统协调发展影响因素的实证分析结果显示城镇化、技术进步、城镇能源工业投资、环保法规等变量均与3E系统协调度相关,本文据此提出部分对策以促进安徽省3E系统协调发展。
[Abstract]:3e system is energy economy-environment system. In the 1990s, developed countries put forward this concept creatively when summing up the frequent environmental crisis in the 20th century and the huge economic loss brought by the energy crisis to the national development. Its appearance indicates that people begin to study the dynamic relationship between energy, economy and environment from a systematic point of view, instead of looking at the development of energy, economy and environment in a separate way. At present, all countries are devoted to the study of the coordinated operation of the 3e system. Its purpose is to be able to actively understand and utilize the complex relationship between each subsystem and its external environment, and to control the coordinated development among the subsystems. In order to achieve the 3 E system overall coordinated operation goal. Considering the vast territory of our country and the great differences among regions in the development stage, industrial structure, total population and resource endowment, it is obvious that the country as the main research object of the 3e system does not have higher practical value. This paper chooses Anhui Province, which has developed rapidly in the middle of China in recent years, as the only object of study. Aiming at the characteristics of Anhui Province's development goal, development stage, energy endowment and industrial policy, this paper analyzes the current operation status of the 3e system in Anhui Province. This paper evaluates the coordination degree of the 3e system and its subsystems in Anhui Province, and finds out the possible factors that affect the coordinated operation of the system according to the environmental attributes of the system, and puts forward some effective countermeasures for the coordinated development of the system. The results of empirical analysis show that the overall coordination of 3e system in Anhui Province is not high from 2000 to 2011, although this index has risen to the highest value of 0.770 in nearly six years in 2011, it is still in a moderate coordination state. The empirical analysis of the factors influencing the coordinated development of the system shows that the variables such as urbanization, technological progress, urban energy industry investment, environmental protection laws and regulations are all related to the coordination degree of the 3e system. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote the coordinated development of the 3e system in Anhui Province.
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