本文选题:出口贸易结构 + 经济增长 ; 参考:《国际经贸探索》2014年08期
[Abstract]:Under the background that export trade has become the main factor of economic growth between China and India and the intra-product division of labor is rapidly deepening, this paper puts forward the measurement of the contribution rate of export trade to GDP formation from the perspective of domestic added value of export trade. The influence of export trade growth on GDP growth and the non-competitive input-output model of domestic value added produced by unit export are calculated, and then the effect of export trade on the economic growth of China and India is calculated by using the data of WIOT database. The results show that the contribution rate of export trade to the GDP of China and India is on the rise, but the domestic added value generated by the unit export is decreasing, and the expansion of export scale is the main reason for the increase of the contribution rate of export trade to the GDP of China and India. The contribution rate of China's export growth to its economic growth is on the rise, while the contribution of India's export growth to its economic growth is rising first and then declining. Export growth has a greater pull effect on China's economy than on India's. Further observation shows that the contribution rate of traditional advantage labor-intensive industries, such as textile and clothing manufacturing, leather, down and their products, to the formation of China's GDP shows a downward trend. China and India are mainly through the export of labor-intensive products to mainly through technology-intensive products and capital-intensive products to stimulate economic growth. The export of leasing and business services, with the Internet and related services, software and information technology services as the core, has contributed significantly more to India's economic growth than to China.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学经济与贸易学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(71303076) 湖南省科技计划项目(2013FJ4282) 湖南省社会科学基金(11JD13)
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